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•Theadora Sanford•

'Luna, Ashton's cookies are ready!' Anna sang gracefully to me through mindlink.

'Have him bring them up to my office, please,' I requested.

Jake hummed a tune as he walked into my office, "Where's Tiger?"

"He'll be up in a minute. I don't appreciate you calling my son Tiger. He has the impression he actually is one," I frowned.

He laughed, "That's my bad, I suppose. We wouldn't want a Werewolf to think he's a tiger, let alone, an Alpha."

"Did you receive my E-mail?" I averted the subject.

"No. What E-mail?"

I swore, "I told one of the guards to send you one. It's blueprints for the addition to the house. I specifically told the guard to send Jake an E-mail," I grumbled.

"Well," he shrugged, "you have to say Beta, or else they'll send it to another Jake around the pack house."

I laughed, "Beta Jake. Still doesn't sound right."

He rolled his eyes, "By 5 years, I'd think you'd get the hang of it, Miss Luna."

"Mommy! Mommy!" Ash burst into the room and ran over. His green eyes were sparkling with excitement as he rushed over and hugged me.

"Hey, Tiger!" Jake growled playfully. I gave him a pointed look.

"Mama, look what I made!" He opened his hand to reveal crushed cookies and his hands were covered in chocolate. He gasped, "They weren't crumbled when Anna gave them to me!"

"We'll clean it up momentarily. Jake, I'll be more specific next time with the E-mails. May I have a minute?"

Jake nodded, "Sure thing. Goodbye Thea, bye Tiger."

Ash growled at him as if he were actually a tiger and I rolled my eyes. "Alright, Ash, let's go clean up." I picked him up. "Don't touch mommy with your chocolatey hands." Ash giggled and pointed a chocolate-covered finger in my face. I sat him on the bathroom counter and turned on the water. He splashed it all over me, and I huffed.

"Ash, mommy's going to kill you!" I growled.

"No, mama, please don't!" He held onto my shirt tightly.

"I'm kidding, baby. We're going to go see daddy today, okay?" I grinned at him as he finished washing his hands, despite the fact that he made a mess.

"Alright, mama. I picked the flowers today!" He exclaimed jumping down and grabbing my hand. "Come on, ma. Want to see?"

"Of course," I let him drag me out of the bathroom and down the hall. He excitedly bounced around. He was a very hyper child. Anna waved to the both of us as we passed the kitchen, and we made it to the gardening room. Bent over a few plants was Riley. She turned around to our arrival and Ash hugged her legs.

"Why, isn't it my favorite nephew?" She lifted him into her arms and kissed his cheek.

"Good afternoon, Aunt Riley!" Ash kissed her cheek back and cuddled himself to her neck. "Me and mama need flowers to go visit daddy."

She grinned and walked over to the cooling fridge, "I had the flowers saved just for you." Riley opened the fridge and pulled out a bouquet, "Aren't they lovely, Thea?"

I nodded, "The most beautiful I've ver seen." She handed them to me and I hugged her tightly. "Thanks, Rye."

She set Ash down and he ran back over to me. "Come on, ma!" He pulled my pants and I followed him.

"Visit some other time soon!" She waved, and I waved back to her. Ash slowed down as we reached the back door and I opened it for him. His excitement vanished within moments and he slowed down as we neared the gravesite

"Come on, baby," I took his hand and he whimpered as we reached the land filled with plots. Each name had its own story, but mine lived within the single one that was different from the rest.

Joshua Wiley

Ash stared for a minute, then ran over and hugged the cold stone. I grinned at him sadly and saw tears fall from his eyes. "It's okay, baby," I assured bending down and hugging him tightly. "Do you want to go back inside?"

He nodded against my hair, so I kissed his forehead and let him go back. I remained at the grave of my love and felt tears of my own grace my eyes. "He gets bigger and bigger every day," I whispered kneeling down to be at eye-level. "He has your smile... your hair," I went on to explain. "My mama's gorgeous eyes."

The wind spoke in return and blew at my skin. I pressed my teeth together and continued, "I remember when we first met. I was 16, I recall. Saved you from certain death, and it was the best decision I've ever made," I confessed. I cleared my throat and blinked back my tears. I didn't want to get choked up. "Gift, you told me. My name means gift, and God knows why you'd know such a thing." I tilted my head, "until I found the old records of this pack before Alexander took over. Theadora Wiley. She was your older sister. You never had the chance to tell me your full story, but I do know at one point in our childhood we must have crossed paths." I sighed and stared at the simple carvings on the stone.

Beloved rogue

Beloved lover

Beloved father

I bit my lip. I didn't want anyone to forget. Josh was a rogue, but he just wanted a home. A family. That was why he was so damn persistent in killing Bryce in the first place. Not all rogues are... horrible. "I did a little research myself, and I figured out what your name means," I placed the flowers on his grave and stood back up.


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