•Chapter 10•

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•Theadora Sanford•

I looked over his body. I didn't see any cuts or anything. Was it his blood? I slowly leaned in forward and brought out my hand to touch him. I didn't know if he were asleep or still awake.
Just as I was about to touch him, his eyes flew open. I quickly stumbled back as his anger-filled black eyes stared deeply into mine.

"J-Josh what happened?" I whispered. He didn't reply. "Josh?" I repeated. He got up making me scoot back even more until I was out of Cat's room and my back was against my bed.

He grabbed a black bag and walked into my bathroom. I heard the shower begin to run and I slowly crept to the door. "Josh?" I repeated in a whisper.

I stood there for 15 minutes waiting. The shower stopped and I waited expectantly. The stench of blood had worn off by then, and Cat returned in the span of 10 minutes. I leant against the door as I heard shuffling. After a long while, Josh opened the door. He was wearing clothes he didn't have before. "Wh-What happened to you?" I ask blocking the door.

He groaned, "Move out of my way."

I stood my ground and replied, "Tell me." I said in a demanding tone.

"Or what?" He raised his eyebrow while crossing his arms. I became silent. I didn't know what I would do. He took my silence as an answer and lifted me off the ground with ease. I gasped as he moved me away from the doorway and put me down again.

"Josh," I grabbed his arm he turned around and looked down at me. I forced my head down.

"It doesn't matter what happened. I'm here, aren't I?" He huskily spoke.

"Yes, but..." I looked up at him, his crystal blue eyes boring into my own. I watched him tilt his head a little, slowly pulling his head towards mine. I did the same, unsure of what was to come until we actually kissed.

I couldn't hold back anymore, I let him kiss me, and I kissed back. I could feel his lips against mine. It was a feeling of happiness which was something I had faked for 9 years. Josh pulled back in a way that made me feel lonely. He looked away from me, his eyes finding the ground. "I-I can't... We can't."

I gulped, hating the feeling of rejection, although it has been there my entire life. "Why not?" I dejectedly questioned.

"Because, you're... You're still a kid, Thea. I'm 18 years old, turning 19 in a matter of months. You're 16 and.... This.... This isn't- it won't work out."

I put my hand over his, "It will. Why not?"

"You might find your mate, and with me in the way-"

Now he was just making excuses, "Josh, you know mates are rare. No one has them anymore. There's a 1 in a million chance I'll find him. Please don't leave. Our friendship means everything to me. It's all I have." I begged, feeling the tears again.

"Thea, I won't leave you. And I know our friendship is important, but it's becoming too much. I... I've grown... Close to you."

"That's what friendship is, you grow close to eachother." I whispered, just trying to find a way to cheer him up.

"No Thea, when I say I've grown close to you, I don't mean just friendship. I want to kill every single person that's laid their hands on you, I want to rip them limb from limb. I want to please you, and make you happy. I want to kiss you, and hold you.... And..... And I want to love you, Thea."

I gulped, "Then what's stopping you?"

Without delay, Josh kissed me hungrily. His canines were begging to come out. I could tell he was suppressing his wolf, but having a hard time. His eyes switching from blue to gold, it was making me dizzy. I kissed him back as he gently laid me on the bed. I couldn't get enough of him. I wanted more of him, it was killing me inside. He slipped his tongue inside of my mouth, making me moan as his tongue made friction with mine.

I had never felt the feeling before. The feeling of pleasure, it was exciting. "Josh," I moaned as his hands roamed my body, the feeling of his skin on mine made it more exciting.

His eyes became focused, he kissed my chin, and slid down to the side of my neck, his eyes were completely gold. "Say you're mine." He growled grazing his teeth along my neck. I closed my eyes, a soft moan finding it's way into the air again. He growled when I didn't respond. He flicked his tongue across my neck, sucking and kissing it.

"I'm yours," I whispered, feeling his teeth sink inside of me before I knew it. I whimpered in pain, attempting to push him off of me. "Josh." I cried out in pain, still attempting to fight him. The state he was in scared me, "Josh, you're hurting me." He snapped out of his daze, his eyes returning to their normal blue as his canines retracted and he pulled away, his eyes searching mine.

"I'm so sorry, Thea. I... I don't know what got into me. My wolf... He... He thinks you're someone. I'm sorry."

"Wh-Why did you bite me?" I cupped the part of my neck where he bit me, but Josh brushed my hand away, examining it.

"My wolf wanted to mark you, but it's not deep enough. It'll be gone by the hour. I'm sorry." He repeated his apology.

"It's okay," I whispered. "Wh-What's a mark?" I questioned. I knew the word, but it was so faint.

"It's when a male wolf claims his..."

I stared at him in wonder, "His what?"

"Mate." Josh forced out, a frown on his lips.

I put the puzzle pieces together myself, "Your wolf thinks I'm his mate. Why?"

"I don't know," he sighed. "He won't stop talking about you, asking about you, wanting to mark you and mate with you. I don't know..." He bit his lower lip, analyzing my reaction.

My wolf was howling in the back of my mind for some reason, I couldn't really hear her, though. She hadn't spoken to me since I shifted when I was 13. I don't remember her voice, or basically anything about her, just that her name was Esmeralda. I almost felt more connected to Josh after he bit me. It was weird, something I hadn't experienced before. "Josh... What does a mark do?"

"It does alot. Claims someone, makes a stronger bond, allows a stronger mindlink, and sometimes.... Heat."

I gulped, "H-Heat?"

"Don't worry about that, my wolf didn't fully mark you, so you'll only feel a stronger bond between us, but it will go away." A small frown overcame my face. I didn't want the bond to weaken. I liked it. "You should get some rest." He sighed. "When you wake up, I'll give you the lesson I was supposed to teach today." He got off of my bed, but I grabbed his arm.

"Wait," I wasn't sure if it was because of our bond, or just me. "Can you please stay with me?"

He sighed, "We shouldn't be doing this."

"Please, Josh? Just this once?" I begged in a whisper. He looked hesitant at first, but slid in beside me. He pulled me close by my waist so that my back was against his chest. I felt peace wash over me as I closed my eyes, letting sleep take over.

•Josh Wiley•

I brushed her dark brown locks behind her ear as she dreamt. Holding her in my arms felt like magic, but I knew it was wrong. Even though she would most likely not have a mate, I had feelings for her. She was young, really young, and my wolf felt connected to her. And even more connected by the mark.

I stared at it intensely, there was a faint shape of a wolf, but it was going away. I could see the scar on her cheek, a frown found it's way on my face. I lightly brushed it with my thumb, mad that her own pack would do that to her. It made my blood boil, I would help Thea. If she didn't want to leave, then I would have to save her.

I kissed her warm lips, feeling calm at the contact, "I'm going to save you Thea, I promise." I whispered.

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