chapter eleven

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Chapter 11. A Ray of Light

Eating alone always evokes negative emotions and triggers memories from my past life. If only I could erase those memories, I wouldn't feel so disheartened about dining alone. I've longed for some company during meals, and since these people are here doing nothing, it would be nice if they could join me.

...that was my plan.

But I didn't know or even thought that saying those words might have caused a huge uproar and result in such a scenario as to what is happening right now before my eyes.

"The young lady wishes to dine with her personal maid?"

"What came over the young lady? This is quite out of character for her, isn't it?"

"I overheard some maids who handle the young lady's room cleaning mention that she's undergone a change."

"A change? Our young lady? Is that even possible?"

"That's what I've been told."

"I also heard something from a kitchen maid responsible for preparing the young lady's meals. She mentioned that the young lady even praised the head chef for his cookies and cupcakes."

"What? Are you serious?"

"I even approached the head chef myself, and he blushed at the memory of the young lady's compliment."

"My goodness! If the young lady is truly changing, is this a positive sign or the complete opposite?"

"Who can say? The young lady's thought process can be quite unpredictable."

Do they really gossip when the topic of their gossip is at the same place as they are? Like, hello? Don't they realize that I'm right here, just a few steps away? And surely they know that I can hear them, right?

I can't quite tell if they're doing it on purpose or by accident. Or maybe it's because Cassia has a more heightened sense of hearing than others?

But it doesn't really matter. In fact, I wouldn't mind if they spread the news that Cassia has truly changed. Should I start getting used to calling myself Cassia?

Now that I think about it, if I were reincarnated and took over Cassia Clorance's body... what happened to the original Cassia Clorance?

"My lady..." I snapped back and quickly turned to Mira. "...what do you mean?" she asked, finishing her sentence.

"Just as I said, Mira. If you want me to accept your apology, then join me for dinner," I replied with a smile. Her expression showed that she was completely clueless about what was going on.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her adorable look.

"Oh!" I exclaimed as another idea suddenly came to mind.

I quickly turned my gaze towards the maids and guards stationed inside the dining hall.

"How about everyone joins me in for dinner? It could be a nice idea. You haven't had your dinners yet, have you?"

Silence filled the entire room once again, overwhelming me with a deafening quietness.

"What's wrong?" I asked, curious about their reaction.

"My lady," Mira called out, so I turned to face her.

"What is it, Mira?"

"We are not permitted to dine with our masters or any meal for that matter. Maids and servants are only allowed to stand behind their masters, not sit with them," Mira explained.

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