chapter twelve

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Chapter 12. Garden of Roses

Mira and I walked back to my chamber. Dinner had gone well, and I had a great time talking with the staff of Clorance Manor. Initially, they were cautious with their words around me, but as we enjoyed the food together, we grew closer.

As we reached the front of my chamber, I turned to look at Mira, who had been following me from behind.

I smiled at her. "Thank you for tonight, Mira. I really enjoyed dinner."

"You don't need to thank me, my lady. It's my job and duty as your maid," Mira replied, returning the smile.

"Well, that's true." I turned away from her and opened the door. "But you know, Mira..." I looked back at her again. "Besides being my maid, you're also my friend."

I noticed that she paused at my words, unable to respond. So I smiled at her, sensing that she was still processing what I had said.

"You can go and rest now, Mira. Good night," I said before entering the room. And just as I was about to close the door, I heard Mira's soft but audible voice.

"Ah yes... Good night, my lady..."

I flashed her a smile once more, capturing a brief moment of connection, just before the door to the room was firmly shut.

As I walked towards the bed, I couldn't help but recall the expression on Mira's face when I told her that besides being my maid, I also consider her as a friend.

"She's so cute. The way she looked at me somehow reminds me of Belle though..." I mumbled, speaking into the air.

I gradually lowered myself onto the bed, allowing myself to lie down. I had never envisioned sleeping on a mattress as opulent as this one. It was unbelievably plush and cozy, providing a level of comfort beyond my wildest imagination.

I've known myself as someone who's hard to fall asleep at night. I kind off have an insomnia back then. But this bed... It didn't even took me long before I found myself comfortably sleeping.

❛ ━━・❪ 🌹 ❫ ・━━ ❜

Mira walked back to her quarters, lost in her thoughts. She didn't even realize that she had reached her room's door until Silvia, her roommate, snapped her back to reality.

"Hey, Mira. Why are you just standing there? Are you okay?" Silvia asked, concerned.

Silvia, a laundry maid, was the closest in age to Mira among all the maids in Clorance Manor. They somehow managed to get along well. While Mira still had noble blood despite her family's fallen status, Silvia was a commoner. She only knew her mother and had no knowledge of her father. They struggled to have at least two meals a day, but unfortunately, Silvia's mother passed away from an illness when Silvia was just fifteen years old.

If it hadn't been for the late Countess Clorance, Silvia would probably have ended up on the streets or worse.

Mira shook her head. "It's nothing, Silvia. Sorry you had to see me lost in my thoughts."

Silvia chuckled and tapped Mira's shoulder. She decided to open the door and enter the room before Mira.

"I sense that something happened. Come on, spill the beans. Was it a good event or the opposite?" Silvia said as she walked towards her bed and sat down, observing Mira as she headed straight to her closet to choose a sleepwear to change into.

Mira wasn't quick to reply. Her mind was still occupied with thoughts of what the young lady had said to her earlier.

Sensing Mira's continued distraction, Silvia approached her and peered at her face, trying to discern the expression she was making while lost in her thoughts.

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