chapter four

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Chapter 4. So it was 'Her'

I was greeted by a deafening noise from the truck's horn as it rapidly approached my direction, causing my vision to darken and the cold pavement beneath me to feel chilling.

The atmosphere felt suffocating, and the surrounding voices and noises became muffled. But in that moment, a memory from the past flashed in my mind.

If I'm not mistaken, that scene took place last year. We were in the cafeteria, and Owen was still tailing me like a shadow.

We were seated at a table, eating. I was supposed to have lunch with Faith, but she had a student council meeting, so I ended up eating alone in the cafeteria.

But things never go as planned. Owen spotted me, sitting alone in a corner. I intentionally chose a secluded area to attract less attention, but that guy seemed to have the eyes of a hawk to spot me.

And now, I was watching a live show unfold before me. Wondering what's happening? Well, there was this girl, probably a freshman, who seemed to have fallen for Owen's looks.

Why are these girls so blind? Do they really find Owen's appearance attractive? Ew! Ladies, please have some standards.

Many eyes were fixed on our direction, understandably so, as this guy was famous and well-known in the university.

I should have bought some popcorn and cola. It might have turned into a full-blown drama.

The girl spoke, saying that she had made cookies during her baking class and that she wanted to give them to Owen.

I was ready to appreciate the girl's effort. But this guy here, the complete a-hole, responded with,

"I'm sorry, but I'm allergic to cookies."

I couldn't help but choke on what he said. I tried to hold back my laughter, but a suppressed chuckle managed to escape.

Seriously, he's not only making excuses but also acting dumb. Is he really one of the top engineering students, this Owen?

Last month, I accompanied Faith as she baked cookies for one of her classes, and coincidentally, her professor was kind enough to allow me to bake cookies as well.

After we finished baking, as we were heading back to the dorms, we bumped into Owen in the hallway. He happened to see me carrying a box of cookies I had baked. And you can probably guess what happened next. Of course, he pestered me to give him one.

In short, this a-hole Owen is completely lying about being allergic to cookies.

"I-I-Is that s-so...? S-Sorry..."

The girl hurriedly left, seemingly unable to hold back her tears. As she passed by me, she glanced in my direction, allowing me to see her face.

My eyes widened as I recognized her. It was the same girl who had been bothering me earlier.

Now that I think about it, before I was pushed, I heard her voice. However, everything happened so quickly that I couldn't understand what she was saying.

Could it be... she's the one who pushed me earlier?

Oh God! Is she seeking revenge or something? But why me? Why not Owen? Is she out of her mind?

Aaack! I... I'm having trouble breathing, and I can feel my heartbeat slowing its pace.


Why does that voice sound so familiar?

"Ari! Ari! Please! Please... wake up! Please... Ari!"

Despite the difficulty, I forced my eyes open, and there she was, Belle, crying her heart out.

"B-Belle..." I managed to call out her name, though it was a struggle.

She immediately turned her attention towards me, tears streaming down her face.

"Ari! Oh my God! Ari, please hold on. Please be awake. Please... Please, Ari. W-We're almost at the hospital. Yes, we're close. They'll treat you there, and you'll get better. So... Ari, please. Stay with me. Hmm?"

I mustered a smile for Belle. I felt guilty for making her cry like this. I didn't want to see any of the people I cherished in tears, especially not because of me.

"I-I-If... if only I knew this would happen... I shouldn't have asked you to buy our meal outside. I should've been content with whatever food was available at the dorm cafeteria. If only-"

I reached for Belle's face and wiped away the tears from her eyes, silencing her with my touch.

"D-Don't c-cry, B-Belle. P-Please... d-don't think that it's... your f-fault. O-Okay...?"

I still wanted to say more, to have a conversation with her, but my throat felt even more sore than before. I could already sense my body giving up.

I held her hand tightly and gave her one last smile.

"I... w-wish y-you h-happiness, B-Belle-chan."

Those were my final words before I slowly closed my eyes. I faintly heard Belle's voice, screaming and calling my name.

You were mistaken, Belle. It seems I'm the one destined to leave this world before you.

But perhaps, this is how my story will end. I'm grateful that God gave me the chance to experience joy and create happy memories with my two dear friends, memories I can cherish even in death.

I suppose this is my farewell to the world. I wish I could have finished reading the side story of Sky Full of Stars before I go, even though there are no smartphones and wifi in heaven-though I'm uncertain if I'm heading to heaven. I'll find out when I get to meet Saint Peter with his rooster beside him.

That's what I thought...

So please, tell me, why did I suddenly wake up in this peculiar place?

To be Continued...

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