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Jayda POV

"So she is here?" Dana asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know but she was here when I came back. Antonio as been house hunting and shit. We found a nice house closer to your dad, if you wanna stay with us you can."

"Fassure. These ain't my people." We laughed. "They my family but not my people, cut from totally different cloths." I nodded.

"Yeah, that is how I feel and I realized the longer I drag on that friendship is the less I cared to be around her. The less I care to be her friend. She literally drag me to the end of my route, and I just let her, I should've just been stop being her friend, but I needed her. I can admit that I definitely needed her at some point. I just really hate that I allowed myself to go through all of that. I should've been left her alone. Antonio was right about that. How could I disrespect myself so much during that time? Even with my ex Damion, everybody that I had in my life at that time shitted on me because they knew I needed them and loved them way more than I loved myself." I shrugged.

"I thought you didn't have sex with Damion."

"I didn't until like the last two months we were together. I was being rape by my foster parents. Mom and dad, I lied about it at first because I thought that would make me seem cooler to Asia. But it got to a point where I had to tell her because I needed to get out of the house. And that is where everything went downhill in our friendship."

"I am sorry for hating you back then. I didn't know your truth and I greatly apologize for judging you. I was upset with Asia and I talked shit about you and I made things harder for you to build a relationship with me. Just off of jealousy. I sincerely apologize."

" I completely understand what you were thinking and going through. It was so much going on. It's like we were all fighting for the love and acknowledgment of one person. I was the enemy even though we were both on the same side of the fence." She nodded.

" hey at least we figured out that it is not worth it, it's better off with us just being sisters. We can give each other the love that we wanted and we can give the love that we wanted to give her." I looked at her and she smiled and I nodded.

" I was just so upset that she was getting back on track and she was doing the therapy thing."

" she is and she still doing that... She's not going to change overnight, it's a work in progress. She was far in the deep end, and she is slowly pulling her self out. She's going to have things that trigger her and set her back, like this whole situation with Shanice
coming back... She probably is just living in that nostalgia. Those same feelings that she used to have back then came back. It doesn't benefit us but that's her life. She will get it together, she has actually put a lot of those things that she wanted therapy to use. There's just some things about her that's not gonna change as quick." She shrugged. " we definitely want that. She lives off of validation, whether it's from Zhafir or Shanice. She doesn't need that from us so in a way she doesn't really need us."

We pulled up to the house and a little part of me definitely didn't want Shanice to be here. Dana is totally different for me, she definitely stands on her word. If she sees this girl in here, it's going to be the end.

We walked in and it was quiet, we only hear the tv.

We walked in the living room and Asia was sitting on the couch.

"What's up." Dana walked in first.

"Hey, how was it?" She looked back at her door and I frowned

"It was good."

" did you take some pictures? Can I see?"

"Nah, I didn't take any pictures, you gotta ask them if they took pictures."

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