Episode 13: Deafening Training

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Sorry if this chapter is not up to your standard guysss!!!


'I'm glad to be your trainer for the meantime, Student Council~!' She beamed as bright as she always did, sometimes. I often question if she's the sun per se.

'Allumi-sensei, the kindest teacher in Babyls history...training us..?' We deadpanned at the thought.

I wonder how this'll turn out...





Western POV:

Before we could even reply her, a sharp scream rang throughout the whole school, making all of us slightly kneel down and cover our ears, my tail wavering from the loud ringing sound.

'ARGH!! What is this sound..?'

'Oi. Stand up. You said it, right? That you're the Babyls Student Council?' Allumi-sensei questioned, towering all of us. Unlike everyone in the room, she stood still there, with both arms crossed and didn't cover her ears. Adjusting our ears to the piercing sounds of the scream, we picked ourselves up and once again saluted in front of her, 'YESSIR!'

'Good, it seems that you still have potential to learn. Now follow me!' She stated confidently and swiftly led us and President out of the room.



Their attention turned to a group of students hurdled together to protect a mutant demon with wolf ears who was snivelling behind all of her classmates. Her wolf ears definitely made her more sensitive than sound compared to normal demons, in addition, with a lack of training to resist loud sounds, unlike President, it only weakened her further more to the extent that her ears were bleeding, as I smelt an unfamiliar scent of iron. 

'C'mon let's go check it out.' Allumi-sensei stated as she stopped in front of them and chanted a spell that I could barely hear since I was standing next to her. 

'Advanced Magic: Drowsy Dome.'

Her spell created a dome around the mutant student as she slowly drifted off to sleep peacefully, no longer crying or whimpering in pain. But the whole time she had a kind of understanding look on her face... one that understands the female student's pain at that moment. But I didn't ponder about it for long since she immediately spoke up in a loud, clear voice so that the students could hear her over the loud scream.

'There, you should all sit in on spot, but don't run around or panic, okay?' She smiled gently with a tinge of nagging of a mother's, one that comforts everyone and lets you believe that everything's alright.

'H-hai! A-arigato! Allumi-sensei!' The other students thanked her gratefully though still covering their ears.

After coping with the situation swiftly, she brought all of us to the broadcast room where we saw all broadcasting members on all fours, covering their ears, some even on the verge of tears due to the high-pitched sound.

'Sorry for my rudeness, but I'll be using the microphone.' She explained to the members with a stern expression before picking up the microphone,

'Attention, all Babyls Students, please rest assured. Principal Sullivan is already on his way to deal with the source. In the meantime, please be seated and do not run around! The Student Council will be helping out any students. Place your trust in us Babyls teachers, for we will always place our students' safety as our first priority!'

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