Episode 18: THE Substitute Teacher

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 After the Kuromu concert

At Babyls

Iruma POV:

I trotted back to our classroom humming a small tune of yesterday's Kuromu Song with Azz-kun and Clara-san beside me, also clearly in a happy mood. Along the way to the classroom we heard whispers from students around us, whispering mainly the keywords 'Allumi-sensei' and 'Evidoll'. For some reason, I had a bad feeling churning in my stomach as we walked through the school corridors out to the open courtyard.

'Phew! I couldn't stand them giving us weird stares anymore!' Clara sighed in relief, slumping onto Azz-kun's back and clung onto him.

'Oi! Get off of me, Baka-Clara!' He turned around and tried to push Clara's arm that was wrapped securely around his waist away. 

Keyword: 'tried'

'Haha...guys..?' I raised my hand shakily, talking them out.

'Hai! Iruma-chi!'

'Hai! Iruma-sama! Are you finally taking over the school?!'

Well at least they listens...

'N-No, but I think we should get back to class..?' I stammered a bit from all the staring from the both of them.

'What a great idea, Iruma-sama! You hear that Baka-Clara! Get off of me!' He immediately flipped his personality 180, scowling at the green-haired creature.

'WHATTT?!! Iruma-chi only said going to the classroom! YOU can bring me there!'

'And why do I need to do that?!'


'RIGHT IRUMA-CHI/-SAMA?!' They once again turned to me who was already frozen in shock.

'L-let's just go...' He turned away from them. After all, the best solution when facing danger was running away. Speaking from experience.





~Time skip brought to you by Kalego and his coffee he now named Lego~

In the classroom

Narrator POV:

As soon as the Iru-trio stepped into the classroom, they were not met by weapons anymore, thankfully, but instead they were met with something even more terrifying...

'IRUMAAA!!!!' Lead-kun leaped onto Iruma with tears in the corner of his eyes.

'HOW COULD YOU!!!!' Caim-kun also leaped onto him but he was choking him with pure hatred in his eyes.

'W-what's happening?!!'

'"WHAT'S HAPPENING"? WE SHOULD BE THE ONE ASKING THAT!!!' The whole class yelled at him in chorus.




After they calmed down~

'Ehem. First, Iruma is guilty. For those who agree, say 'I''



'WAIT! What did Iruma-sama even do?!' Azz-kun immediately stopped the voting with a scowl on his face, placing a hand before me protectively.

'It's expected for a royal person like you to not know, but for your information, Iruma's SISTER is not only a TEACHER in Babyls, THE 'Queen Prodigy of Babyls', but ALSO A GODDAMN EVIDOLL!!!' Lead-kun yelled frustratedly, grasping his yellow hair locks.

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