The date

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"Cat... What the hell? Are you drinking?" I heard Bobby ask. The Winchesters hadn't left me all alone, they sent an old guy to watch over me. "I'm 21... I can do that legally now." I said back. He just gave me a smile and said quietly "You're still that scared fourteen year old in my eyes, you know that" Bobby always managed to make me smile and I loved him for that. "I know Bobby, and that's why I love you so" I kissed him on the cheek and went back into the reception. "Hi, what can I help you with?" I asked with a big smile on my face. I looked over at Bobby who had a confused look on his face and he ran over to the tall man standing in front of me, giving him a big hug. "Hey boy, my god its been a long time... How everything?" The tall man nodded and smiled from ear to ear. "Its good... Considering" He said while looking down at his feet. "Yeah, I heard that... I'm so sorry, why didn't you come right away?" The tall guy just shook his head and I could see tears starting to build up in his eyes. "There's my other guy, how are you boy?" Bobby said and hugged the smaller guy coming into the motel.

The tall guy came over to the desk and said "So... They have a new owner now?" I just gave him a confused look "I'm sorry sir, but have you been here before?" He smiled and said "I was here once, but that was many years ago. Oh... How long can we stay?" Something about his smile was familiar, but I couldn't quite remember what it was. When Bobby and the other one was done talking, he came over and stood beside the tall guy. "So, you come with any of the rooms?" He smirked. I just cocked my eyebrows and ignored him. "Tell your boyfriend that I would appreciate it if he wouldn't act all tough... I don't like fake people, and you're obviously a sweet couple so its no need hiding it" I handed him the key and Bobby stared to laugh his ass. "I knew you guys wouldn't recognize each other, but this is just hilarious" Bobby continued as he dried away the tears. "Boys... This is Cat, remember her?" I gave them a quick smile and then looked confusedly over at Bobby

"Cat? Is that really you?" The tall guys said before he dragged me into a hug... Bobby looked at me and whispered "Sam Winchester, the short one is Dean" and then looked over at the shorter guy. "Sam? Wow, what the hell happened to you?!" I said after hugging him. "Well... I grew, a lot" he said grinning. "And I guess the flirtatious guy is Dean?" I said and looked over at him. He gave me a smile and dragged me in to a hug. "Cat, damn..." He said while licking his lip "Heal boy... I ain't your toy" I said lightly. A small sigh escaped my mouth as a looked over at Dean and Sam... "I'm so sorry to hear about your father, he was a good man." I looked down at the ground, trying to avoid any eye contact with the boys. A hand was placed on my shoulder and I felt the guilt fading away. "Its okay Cat... It wasn't your fault" Bobby said with a warm and fatherly voice. "I know... But I was so mean to him all those years ago, I feel that I was the one who made him do it" I felt tears starting to swell up in my eyes, but I didn't want them to see so I just went in to the backroom.

After a few minutes I could hear nothing but my own heavy breathing, I hated everything about crying, it made me feel weak and girly. I know that my hair had become long again, but it wasn't girly long. I wanted to look like Evelyn, so after she died, I did everything in my power to be just like her. I still get letters and e-mails from her parents saying that they wish that she could visit more often, and I always reply with "Its too busy around here, thank you for fulfilling my dream, love you guys so much, cant wait to see you soon – Evelyn", they always send an amount of money for her birthday, and I put them in a savings account so I can use it when I leave this place. If I leave this place... "Cat... Are you ready for dinner? I made chili" Bobby appeared in the doorway with an apron wrapped around his belly. "You know, you're supposed to wear it properly, the guest might see you and think you're not a chef" "I ain't no chef and you know it" Bobby laughed.

My name is CatWhere stories live. Discover now