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The way I see the world, is that it is just a place we stay in until we die. Is that fair? We just stay here, some people don't even care about how long they stay, they just want to survive... Me? I want to live. My name is Caitlin, but everyone calls me Cat. I am about 5'7 and I have light brown hair. I don't like it, I think it looks really dirty, it makes me feel dirty, anonymous, unimportant... But there is something you need to know, I am probably the most awesome girl you will ever find.

The first years of my life was really hard, my mother was a drunk and my father worked to much to care about us, I had a little brother but he committed suicide at the age of thirteen, my big sister vanished before I was born and yeah... I was a nobody. The days I went to school, unless I skipped it was hell on earth, I know how it feels like because I've been to hell many times. People bullied me because I was too small, and too girly. So one day when I got home, I found a pair of scissors and I cut off my long hair and ditched the dresses and started wearing my sisters old leather jacket.

Suddenly people started to respect me, I was one of the guys and girls were afraid of me, I liked the power, it made me feel special. My parents didn't even notice that my hair was cut until a few months later, when me hair was about 2 inches shorter than usual. I remember my mom telling me I looked like a boy, and I remember hitting her in the face and running away with my father trying to catch up with me. Thankfully a truck was driving by and I hitchhiked with a pretty young man to Texas. I was 13 years old....

When I got to border to Texas, the young man drove back and I said thank you. He gave me 100 buck so I could live, for the moment. I walked over to the big sign "You're now entering Texas", I felt free for the first time in my life. I knew it wouldn't last that long, but at that time I couldn't care less. I stayed at the motel, the guy in the bar thought I was over 18 so he said I could have the room for 2 bucks a night, If I showed him my boobs. I didn't care, I thought of boobs as blobs of fat hanging on my chest, it wasn't a big deal. I got into my room, which looked like crap, and laid down on the bed. I could hear people banging in the other room, and the place smelled like pee... But it also smelled like freedom, my freedom!

I stayed at that hotel for a month, until I didn't have any money left. The guy said I could stay there longer, but I had to sleep with him. I was not a whore so I said thanks, but no thanks and I left the building. I stood outside a diner looking at all the people eating food when a couple asked me to join them. I wouldn't seem rude so I said no at first, but when they insisted, I finally said yes. I hadn't noticed how hungry I really was, I lived on potato chips and coke... It wasn't healthy at all.

"So...Lisa? Why are you here all alone? Where are your parents" The lady asked. I looked down at my empty plate, I couldn't reveal my real identity, because they looked kind of sketchy. "They are probably dead... Or worse, I really don't know." I replied while taking a sip of my strawberry milkshake. The couple exchanged thoughtful looks and the man said; "We are running a girls home.. If you need a place to stay, we will gladly to take you in. There are a lot of girls there, maybe you'll get some friends too!" I just stared at them with disgust... "So you think just because you've bought me dinner, that Ill go home with you? I AM NOT A WHORE!" I shouted as I ran out of the diner and into the woods. I could hear them call for me, but I didn't care. I wanted to get away from everybody and everything... When I look back at where I were then, I would never think of becoming a hunter, especially not that kind of hunter.

When the word hunter comes up, you think of hunting deer and bears, but when I am talking about hunting, I mean monsters...Because oh my lord, there are a lot of fucked up shit out there. I first found out there was things like demons when I was walking by the road trying to get a ride to somewhere, and this lady picked me up. She took me to a motel which she owned and said I could stay as long as I wanted, I really liked that lady. Her name was Evelyn, but I called here Eve.

Eve was pretty young to have her own motel, but she told me that her parents were rich and she could do whatever she wanted, so when she turned 21 she decided to buy a freaking motel... I remember thinking I wanted to be just like her. After a few weeks at the motel, I got to know Eve better and better. She was like the big sister I never had. I even got a job at the Motel as a cleaning lady. It wasn't the best job, but it was a job and I needed the money. One night when I just had finished cleaning the last room, I notice a spot on the wall resembling strawberry jam, I tried to wash it away, but when I looked closer, I noticed that it was blood. I panicked... I started screaming and before I knew it a tall dark guy kicked down the door. Behind him appears two boys, the one a few years younger than me and the other one maybe a year or two older. "DEAN, you go help the lady and I'll smite the demon." The man shouted... When they noticed me standing there with my mouth hanging open the guy called the small boy and said "Sam, go take this girl a safe place! That's an order!" The young boy ran to me and said with a stern voice "everything will be okay, just come with me!"

He took a hold of my hand and dragged me out of the motel. I could hear Evelyn screaming, which made every bone in my body starting to ache "I'm Sam... Whats your name?" Sam asked shyly. I looked over at the short, brown haired boy and gave him half a smile "I'm Caitlin, but everyone just calls me Cat, well...Eve does." I said and shook his hand. After a few hours of just standing there in silence, I saw the older boy came running towards us. "Sammy, are you okay?" He asked as he patted his little brothers head.. "Why wouldn't I be? I just stood here watching over Cat" The older boy scanned me from head to toe before he smirked. "Hey Cat, I'm Dean" he gave me a little wink which made me blush.

After 30 more minutes the older man came out with Evelyn in his arms. "Boys, get in the car... We need to go!" I just stood there in shock before I finally managed to open my mouth "Oh HELL no! First of all, you are not taking Eve with you and second of all... WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" I screamed with rage. Dean and Sam exchanged soulful looks before Dean said; "That baby, was a demon, and we saved your ass! And we didn't even get a thank you!" I felt myself getting more and more angry, and I was seconds away from hitting Dean in the face...Sam noticed and pulled me away. "Do you want to get rid of the body? Or should we do it?" Dean asked. I just looked at him, and then at Evelyn laying lifeless in the mans arms... I hadn't even noticed that she was gone, I was too busy talking with the guys. Before I knew it I broke down in tears, and starting to hit everything that I could. "Why didn't you try to save HER? I was alright!" I shouted while my eyes were filling up with tears. The man laid Evelyn in the trunk of the car before coming over to me "Listen here kid, all you need to do now is run this joint a few years so people wont notice that shes gone, and after a while you can disappear too." They drove off into the night, leaving me with a motel which I had to run all by myself. That was a lot of responsibility for a fourteen year old to handle... But I did it.

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