Chapter 1: a re-meeting

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𖡃 garmadon pov𖡎

All of the others hug my son, Lloyd, as he was catching his breath after his near dead experience. It was truly surprising that he was still alive but I had more important things to take care of. I looked up and see my brother smile at me. I wanted to smile back, but didn't have the face to smile at him after all I done.

I walked out of the monastery and started to go down the stairs. When I get towards the end I see two familiar faces from the news, the only Cominication way I fail to shot down at the period in which I took ower ninjago... In witch I had my daughter by my side... I miss her, don't know why but I do.

I walked down and decided to listen to their chattering. I know the name of the man that was responsible for the broadcasting of the news with that machine known as "camera" from a chat I had with him about life, survival and what was the most important thing in a persons life span. He was the wisest person I had ever met, even smarter than my father to me thanks to the impact his words had on me.

The things his words lead me to do was simply put unbelievable. He made a oni of destruction and the Lord of evil save a realm from being conquered by his own. At first I thought he was just a master of manipulation but no. He is not a master of anything, but there is no way he is human.

Humans strongest emotion is fear,it was probably the most consistent lesson I learned. He should not have had the ability to not fear What I could have done to him after all the pain I cause, he and his companion was one of the people that I hurt the most.

When I walked behind the lady at a respectable distance, started listening to them and instead of a chit chat it sounded more like a... Conflict.

Vinny:"...I am NOT going up there! I don't like the-fuck it I HATE THEM!...Well surely not as in our heroes but as in persons! They are human too! They have no right at treating us like a burden ! WE are what helps them make sure everyone's safety and inform the ninja go! The cannot jus-"

Gale:" Enough!.*sigh*... We have news to report AND an interview to get neither you like it or not. This is what we get paid to do and I am not losing my job!"

They turn to face to the stairs but instead ended up looking me straight in the eyes. I felt relating towards them, and pity. Vinny of ngtv news was correct at everything he said, he and the lady were indeed a key part of public safety with their work. Seeing someone as calm as him in such a fury was... Unpleasant to say the least. I decided that since he helped me I should help him back to be in fair grounds. . .

Well it seems being good is something that can only happen to me around Vinny! Good to solve that.

I walk Towards them and Vinny looked rather calm while miss gossip seemed to be scared of me. That sure is understandable. What was in understandable was that Vinny was trying to calm her by putting a hand on her shoulder. It seems he has kindness in his soul even when he doesn't intent to be kind.

Garmadon:" I overheard that you were going to need to climb the mountain for a interview. I was leaving already and they are quite busy, therefor I thought I could be of help. I also believe I happen to owe vinny a favor."

Vinny:" I am sorry but I do not remember doing you a favor sir. I just answered a question"

Gale:" you guys know each other!? Vinny what th-"

Garmadon:" miss . He bearly know me from a small conversation we had, but I must say since...* sigh*he is the only person that doesn't treat me like the oni I am, he is the only human alive that has a slight worth for I."

Vinny:" Oh... Thank you mr. Garmadon. It was just a very human thing to do, all I did was give you the benefit of a doubt. I believe there is good in everyone. Some just need time to show! "

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