eChapter 3: Tide braker's

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𖠍 Garmadon pov𖠥

Me and Vinny were walking around the shore, arms connected. I didn't mind it tho, it was a good feeling to have someone so close to me. But I still can't understand why he is not afraid, not only from me, but all the other villains he talked about also. I will ask him about that as soon as possible.

As we were wandering around the sounding became... Better. It was more deserted and empty the further we walked trough the shore and I actually liked the quiet. It was around 2 pm so the sun was on top of us but There were brutal winds that blew from the sea to land so we didn't really feel the heat of it, only the brightest which I actually enjoyed!

After a while we get to a place that I couldn't take my eyes off of it. It was some sort of a man-made lake like the huge one in the middle of the shore, but a lot smaller. It had one side cut out and another one was a little destroyed from the top, possible made by the cafe like place at the side that was looking straight at the lake and the multiple boats in it, possible fisheries.

The water was very deep and clear and the wind chimes that were hung up on the giant trees on the cafe could be heard from a mile away. It was... So peaceful... If only I could show this beautiful place to harumi...

Garmadon:" This is fascinating... How did you dicover this place?"

Vinny:" The same way you are doing right now. I was a lost soul that felt like this world was finished with things it could show me, but then a benevolent nameless that didn't even Introduced itself told me it could bring my love for life back so I did everyone that feels the same as you and I would, followed him mindlessly in a hope of finding something to admire... You see the restaurant there?"

He said and point at the place I kept calling it a cafe. This explains why it looks so clean despite being open roof. I nod and he smiles and continues.

Vinny:" apparently he used to be the owner of that place, with his son and daughter owning the smal market plus cafe next to it. Food from the father, drinks from the kids. It's a good layout... Well used to be since he told me that he had cancer and wanted to introduce at least one more hollow soul to the beauty's this part of the world has to offer. I haven't seen him since but I keep bringing every past "villain" I can find to the wind shore and suggest them to try one more time...."

We both fall to silence and looked at the wall that was cutting the look of the sea for boats safety...

Garmadon/Vinny:"Do you wanna climb th-"

We both looked at each other at shock. It felt... Funny that we said the same thing at the same time.

Garmadon:" A-well, I believe I just guessed the reason we are here?... Heh,This must be the place you and the mechanic talked about if I am correct?"

Vinny:" Yeah... It-its here-I... Sorry I can't. What the hell?"

He buried his face time hin hands and started groveling and giggling. Did I do or said something wrong??

Garmadon: Vinny of NGTW news!? Are you okay?"

Vinny:" ah, I am! I just... It was adorable to see the dark Lord giggle and get that awkward just because of a accident!"

He laughed at his joke but all I could do was look at him in wonder. Did he just called me cute!? Also did I actually laughed and get nervous? I didn't realize that!... But... It seems that he finds my unaware actions to be enjoyable, so I won't stand on it.

Garmadon:" Well, where are we getting on this? It looks a bit too high for you to climb."

Vinny:"Oh you know nothing about my physical strength, but there is actually a easier way."

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