Chapter 4: Hydrangea

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( you better believe me when I say I started writing this chapter just to use this image! Anyways!)

𖠊Vinny pov⨀

I think I over talked because G is looking at me with pity in his eyes. I already told him I don't care nor fell bad about my past, why would he pity me? I don't know, but I can ask him when we sit down. We decided to grab something to eat since we have been walking under the sun at 42°c for hours now. the heat doesn't seem to affect Garmadon, but I feel like melting!

We went to the cafe-restaurant mash up place I talked about earlier. It was located under two huge trees and there were lanterns, decoration and for some reason, dried fish bones all around its branches! The whole cafe was also surrounded with flowers. We sit at a table that has two comfortable and puffy, couch-like metal benches with pillows on. We looked around and then at each other without speaking for a long while. It seems he doesn't know what to talk about. Well, breaking the silence is up to me huh?

Vinny:" I still can't believe you would want to live with me! It's so... Nice, to hear that you want to actually hang out with me. It's a honor but, can I ask you something's if you still want to be my roommate... After everything I said up there."

Garmadon:"Vinny, you cannot understand how much this offer means to me, I am pleased to be your roommate and If whatever it is you want to ask, I am really to answer."

Vinny:" Oh, Cool! Well it's more like, do you think you can obey some of the apartment rules? Because my landlord is kind but strict so, I will need to ask you to follow some neighborhood laws.

Garmadon:"Hm... And those being?"

Vinny:" No loud noises past 11pm, No leaving trash at the apartment door, And no damaging the house itself. You can use your furniture as you like, but walls, ceiling and floor is to not get harmed. Otherwise you pay for your damage, the payment also pass for the first two, and I believe you don't have quite a job, no offense."

Garmadon:" None taken! I can do these. Also, I believe I need to ask you something too."

Vinny:" Sure, go ahead!"

Garmadon:" I.. Don't believe people are going to be so keen on seeing me when we get to the city, can I please don't go out unless it's absolutely necessary?"

Vinny: G, THAT was the second thing I was going to ask to you, of course! There is nothing that Effect me in this, so do whatever you want! I would never force you outside. I always buy the stuff I need at my way back home anyways."

Garmadon:" thank you Vinny."

Vinny:" no problem! "

I smiled and G smiled back. We simply chat about the view and the weather, but it was a nice chat. After a while the heat really grew on me, so I decided to take my jacket and hat off.i placed my jacket at the back of the seat and put my hat down on the table. Iooked up at Garmadon but he had an mixed up expression with his eyes going between my arms and neck. I looked down to see what happened and the answer was not hard to find.

There was a blueish lila line that was going over my whole body, following my veins from up on my skin up to under my chin like a root system. I absolutely forgot to tell him about these!

Vinny:"...Hey it's okay, I had these my whole life! They are not scars-Well they are, but they don't hurt you know?It's fine!"

Garmadon:"... How 𝘥𝘪𝘥 you gain these?"

Vinny:" Well these and many more of bodily deformations are couse of poisoning! Some poisons that are supposed to be instantly fatal leave strange effects when the victim don't... Well, die!"

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