Chapter 2: freezing waves and harsh wind

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☏Vinny pov♍︎

I was about to scream my lungs out in joy. THE Lord garmadon, Lord of darkness, king of the stone army, embodiment of evil and my first and only Icon, just decided to hang out with me! He even said he cared for me and saw me as a wise man! I have been a fan of him ever since I learned about the internal conflicts he went through before he was re-brought to this realm as only his oni side. To go through the pain of fighting against something that is in your veins, I know that pain too well thanks to the experiments my parents did on me in their lab. But I won't let the past destroy my happiness right now.

I am taking him to my favorite part of ninjago,the wind shore! This particular part of ninjago is overlooked and overshadowed by multiple iconic parts like the capital, stix, the desert Kripterium prison takes place at, so on and so forth. It is sounded by giant stone walls at three sides for the boats safety and to break the tides so it is super complicated to get to and there is no way there without a 30 minute long walk!Therefore it only gets damaged once in five villain attacks.

It also is the home of a quarter of all the builders and constrictors in ninjago city so it usually can rebuild itself rather fast thanks to these factors which makes it the most peaceful and fair part of ninjago city. But nobody from outside like here because its people also think  the "bad guys" ninja keep destroying without trying to reason with them should all have been given a chance to change so it is filled with ninja haters like me!

Me and garmadon were walking down the mountain road that was going all around the wind shore, descending as it go. This is also the only way to get there on the ground. We were half way there and garmadon was not taking his eyes off the huge lake that was in the middle of the walls.

Vinny:" you seem to like the structure. It sure is a sight for sore eyes alright."

Garmadon:" I don't understand the concept of beauty but I believe this place counts in that title. But I don't understand the reason for the stone walls. Do you have any chance of knowing what they are for? "

Vinny:" oh! They are to protect the boats and people from the huge waves that the inhumane wind around this place makes. You see the middle of that lake is located on a boiling water fountain that no one can get close enough to close so that part of the water was unnaturally warm even tho it is totally natural! And since the wind blows from cold air to hot air this shore was in a war with nature, specifically the tsunami level tides! So people made this unnatural lake and build stone walls around it witch both calm the tides a little and secure the people from the harsh wind. Also created the best beach of all the ninjago since the water is always hot."

I pointed at a part of the lake that was separate by pontoons and the people swinging at there.

Garmadon:" hm. This is a genius architecture indeed. This place looks a bit too perfectly designed to be real. What is the catch? And why I never knew this place existed? "

Vinny:" oh! The catch is the people. Everyone here has only one thing that's common, they all hate the ninja because of their straight forward and merciless justice! And everyone from any other part of ninjago hates this place too so it is quite isolated. nobody knows, those who know don't talk of it! There are some straight up villanes also! By now all that I know of are a mid amount of serpanten, mr.E, the mechanic, One of the stone warrior's and krux and acronix! They all become really hard working and good people with the help of the society which just proves that we have a reason at hating the ninja. Don't tell anyone about them being here tho, it is a secret."

Garmadon:" krux, acronix, and even Mr, E!? I thought they all died!"

Vinny:" well mechanic put Mr. E's remains together and krux and acronix just fall from the sky, out of a time worm hole I think?? Well I know you know Mr. E close so would you wanna visit his workshop? He and the mechanic are the best tech builders and coders at the wind shore, some say the are 10 folds  better than cyrus borg when combined."

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