chapter 5: hospitality

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𖥓 Garmadon's pov 𖥅

(It's around 7.30 to 8 pm jsuk)

After walking around and watching the people and helping them (the stuff he did before going to vinny in cristlized) I made my way to the address Vinny gave me. People were screaming and covering all around and it felt weirdly unsettling. When I got to the door and knocked Vinny was already waiting for me to arrive, he opened the door with a soft smile and greeted me with a small laugh. He leaded me to the living room, the first room from the entrance. We sat on a sofa with a tea table in front of it and started chatting.

Vinny:" well, welcome, first things first. So... The kitchen the first room at the left hallway, the one after that is the bathroom, the bedroom is right in front of that and the room at the end of it is my work office, I deal with the leftover work stuff there, so please don't enter there without me. Other than that, this is officially your new home. Any questions."

Garmadon:"Yes... There is one bedroom, would that be a problem with you?"

Vinny:" no, you are sleeping alone in the bedroom obviously! I am used to sleeping on the couch, I just need a blanket and a pillow. I am not going to force you to sleep in the same room as me."

Garmadon:" excuse me, I am not letting you sleep here, why would you even let me take your own bed and kick yourself to the sofa? This is your own house, aren't I be the one to sleep here?"

Vinny:" what? No. I can't let you. It's a folcon principle, If someone doesn't spend over a week in your place, they are a guest and shall be treated in the highest regard."

Garmadon:" ... fine."

Vinny:" Thank you, now, wanna see the rest of the house? Cmon let's start with the kitchen."

He stood from the couch and made his way to the hallway. I followed him and saw him leaning against the door frame, mumbling some sort of a melody. He opened the door and lead me in. It was a small and simple kitchen with a oven, stow, sink and refrigerator, microwave and a whole lot of cabinets. It also had a small table with 2 chairs around it. It was for some unknown reason almost cozy.

Garmadon:" hmm. It's very simple."

Vinny:" Yeh. I spend most of my time in the office or out shooting the news, dont really use the house that much... OH! There IS a water filter tho, that I think is kinda cool. You see the tinner faucet?"

Garmadon:" huh. Yes I see. So you can drink out of that?...mind if I grab a glass of water?"

Vinny:" oh, not at all! The glasses, cups and mugs are at the glass cabinet on top of the countertop. You do that, I need to change the sheets, I haven't changed mine in a year and a half!"

He giggled and left the room. I opened the glass cabinet and grabbed a tall glass with some fake gold engravings that were peeling place to place. I opened the smaller faucet next to the normal one and filled my glass, I chuged the water and placed it in the sink.

I left the kitchen and went in to the room that should be the bedroom if I got Vinnys layout correct and I was correct. Vinny was tugging the sheets of a king size bed that was in the middle of the room against the wall. It had two side tables next to it and a dresser in front with a tall, weirdly suspicious, mirror next to it and a huge wooden chest at the other side. The door was to the beds right and a window was at the left wall.

Garmadon:" It's pretty simple here too, I am seeing a pattern here."

Vinny:" o-hey! Yeh, I don't feel like having too much in your house is smart, it should be useful and I am terrible at keeping things in place. This place would be a mess if I didn't cleaned it for you. Anyways, can you help me with the pillows? I need to put the quilt in a new sheet, it would be nice if you get that done."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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