ѕuch α mєѕѕ !

189 10 3

I was sitting in my class zoning out at the thought of what happened in the morning. Today is my first day of the university and how can I mess up my life as well as someone else life like this? What kind of dump am I? I sighed heavily at the thought of him..... His face..... His beautifull face which showed hurt.......

Offcourse I know I ruined his day....but that was not on purpose, not even my fault

*flash back *

" Such a good morning isn't it hobi hyung? " I asked to my bodygaurd, looking at the sky...... Yeah! Hobi hyung is my body gaurd ever since I moved in with namjin hyungs...... I'm not weak but he is just for my safty.... Incase if I became incapable of myself..... But he was never been a bodygaurd to me..... It felt like he is my brother.... Though we are two complete strangers.

Hobi hyung wouldn't let anything happened to me. Sometimes he will act like he is the one who got hurt instead of me........ I just love him!!!! Well who will not? Wait!! did I tell you about myself?

Myself I'm park jimin, currently living with namjin hyungs....... and today is my first day of university........ I've never been to any kind of schools before. I was homeschooled.


Don't doubt on me, I was a born Billionare. Now living as a billionaire too . But if you ask me that I'm rich .. then the answer would be No!I'm a broke person who can't even afford a bottle of soju.

My father used to be a Billionaire when I was born. Me, my sister and my parents..... Our Paradise were harshly tore apart on a dark night.......

We lost our parents, I lost my sister! More to say they don't even left a single evidence to prove that our family had exist....It took me years to recover........Not from the injuries but from the trauma they had given. Since then my hyungs and hobi hyung was my only comfort zone were I find peace.

At the thought my past I was walking like an idiot, looking at hobi hyung with fondness. Offcourse if it wasn't for him convincing namjoon hyung that
his college have high security, I wouldn't be able to come here and experience collage life.......

Namjoon hyung agreed for this only because he trust hobi hyung and he knows that no matter what happens he will protect me, even if it cost his life.........
So.... Finally I'm out of my restrictions.... Opps- suddenly someone tripped over me from my back, pouring me with flour . Me who was out of the world thinking random stuffs suddenly lost the grip and started to move without a particular direction.

"Shit "

I cursed under my breath and before I could process what is happening, I alredy hit somewhere or someone maybe and landed on the floor more like hitting it, pain rushing all over my body........

My body went numb at the tingling feeling and now I can see what the real hell is like with the pain. Oh! I forgot metion my body hasn't recovered yet so.... Definetly my weak body is now like a broken glass fell on to the ground........

What a disaster!

I sat up on the floor shrugging off the immense pain shooting on my body , cleaning the mess. I was suddenly grabbed by a huge hand. I looked up to see the owner and I was mesmerized by his beauty ....

 I looked up to see the owner and I was mesmerized by his beauty

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