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It's been two weeks I'm trying to find him in the university to seek my revenge but failed each time . No one had seen him after that incident.... not just him, also that one who defended him........ Even his friend, tae? I guess that's what his name.... He also don't know where they are. He just told me that they are on a medical leave..... It seems like they disappeared suddenly.

As for things between me and yuqi..... I took her on a date on the next day with which she was very satisfied........... and now we are in good terms, enjoying our love life....

The only thing that still have to be solved in our relationship is yuqi's doubt on me. I still didn't understand where did she get this idea that it was because of me he disappeared. She heard roomers from his class that he took a medical leave because he is severely injured. Perhaps she contemplates that on that day, I engaged in a battle with him(?) and I find myself longing for the chance to...

To add glace to the picture, there is even a video of me picking him up from the ground fiercely , him saved by a muscular man and me and him havinhg a heat up covo! It floated through out the university social media, making it one of the most viewed videos in the next 48 hours in university pages . Now him and his hot , so called savior is kind of famous for picking a fight with the GREAT MIN YOONGI one of the popular guy in the university.

Whatever! Past is past I should move on.... I can feel a tiny hand wrapping around mine. I turned and smiled at her. She cutely mouthed 'I Love you 'to me and I peckd her lips. Yeah I love her and she loves me a lot I can feel that but.....


Why do It felt like something is missing? Why do it felt like we are not meant to be? Was the universe giving us signs that we are not supposed to be together ?

Keep that aside yoongi! Now enjoy the moment. We were enjoying the walk to the university in this beautiful morning. But then someone tripped on my leg and fell to the ground. Not wasting a single second he jumped up and start running towards the destination. Surprised, me and yuqi turn around only to see some students running to the university in a hurry.
Yuqi stopped one of them and asked.

"Excuse me. Is everything ok? Why is everyone running?"

"Are you not in university social media? That guy from the video finally came to university. The one who dare to talk against Min Yoongi."

"Watch your surroundings before you open your mouth kiddo "
I replied. The little one got panicked and ran away . Before I start to process things,I got grabbed by a hand and was dragged to the university.

Reaching there we found a huge crowd packed in a corner of the campus . Some were
gossiping around here and there. Not wasting time we went straight to the front of the crowd and found that the muscular one standing there and some crazy students were taking his picture.

Such a DRAMA!

I dragged yuqi out from the crowd and accompany her to her class. Even though I couldn't saw him properly due to people blocking them, I'm sure he is the person I guessed and I don't want to stand there anymore.


Here I'm peacefully sitting in my classroom while I saw that muscular one passing infront of my class room. I followed him and found out that his class is next to mine. Shit! It's gonna be hard since the revenge tendency suddenly arose inside me whenever I see them. I turned to leave the place when...

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