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Ever heard of ephialtes ? No ? well it's kind of horrible nightmare and today, my first day in the university as a second year was an ephilate for me........

To add more to the story that guy said he liked me . If he found out whose son I am then he would have died on spot due to heartattack.

It looks like he is rich and spoiled........ But his face looked so... Angelic!he was beautiful! But I'm not gonna fall for his beauty anyway.

How dare he is to tell me that he liked me? The audacity of that guy......

But when he smiled and told me that he liked me...... I don't know what happened to the demon in me who supposed to suck out his complete blood and kill him on the spot, calmed down. I'm not surprised anyway because he was so ethereal and angelic. Unlike his personality......

What the fuck what are you thinking Yoongi.... he is gay ! and there is no way I'm getting together with him...... Not just that I already have a girl crush and she proposed me even before I make a move!

There is a saying that if the person you love loves you back,then that is your true solmate.so... Yeah I'm focusing on her for now.

Still I haven't done cursing him...... Thee audacity of that boy!! He don't know me! He don't know how dangerous I'm. That slut........ Thahawjsnnzbzbzbzbzbzbsnwnsnsnsnsnsnsksmsnsms

I just wanted to curse him to hell. He fu**** ruined my day today!!!!!
Today was the first day of my final year at the university.

To make the day more memorable,I was planning to confess to my crush.... Who already proposed me a month ago.......

Talking about her...... I love her so much and I admire her a lot......... But that idiot ruined everything..........



Yoongi was walking like an idot who got lost in a good dream..... He couldn't stop himself from smiling...... Why?

Offcourse! It's his special day...

He is gonna confess to his crush......
Though it was her who confessed to him first, it was yoongi who made a first move by finding her insta ID. To talk about thier meeting, it was very coincidental......

Yoongi was brought out of his thoughts by a sweet 'anyeongaseyo'. He couldn't help but to smile wide seeing his crush standing infront of him, looking at him with an Innocent smile...

'Beautiful ' he thought to himself.

"Yuqi can we go to the garden there ? It's beautiful! "

"Why not?"
She replied, smiling.



"So tell me oppa Why did you call me here? "

He stopped walking and tuned to face her. He opened his bag and take the small present box out from it....

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