hσw lσng?

116 5 22

I was running through street while hoping a car would suddenly Stop infront of me which actually did. I mounted into the car not even reconsidering, well knowing who it could be.

"Hyung leave me in xx restuarant. Lee hyung and min hyung is there. "
" Done!"
Hobi hyung swifted through the streets while I laughed enjoying the whole scenario....

" You sneaked out again right?"
Hobi asked shaking his head .
"They are so strict. They don't even let me have some street food " jimin whinned.

"Such a mochi !" Hobi mocked.
"Then what the hell went wrong ? "

" I don't know.........I was roaming around the streets buying things I want. I was having one of my best time when I saw a guy in black following me misteriosly. I spot him everywhere I go but then he accidentally saw that I spotted him and he started running after me........ "
Jimin explained .

" see, you just get out of our sight for a slight moment and you almost ended up getting killed." Hobi scolded him
" What if something had happened to you? What if he actually managed to get you?"

" World war 3 would have happened!" Jimin sarcastically uttered and both of them laughed.

" You know what jimin, I talked with your crush. "

" Crush ?" Bewildered he looked at his hyung for a proper explanation.

" Yoongi"

They arrived at the restaurant. They made thier entry through the entrance. Mr. Lee and. Mr. Min saw jihope while jihope went and sit with thier hyungs .

" so you sneaked out again don't you? " lee asked.

" I messaged you don't I " jimin said making a pout. " plus I planned it even before I came here. "

" that you will sneak out? " hobi asked in confusion.

"No! That I want street food and I know lee hyung and min hyung won't let me do it. That's why I sneaked out " jimin pouted more making them forgive him.

" jimin you're not a kid anymore. You cannot have street food. They are not good for you. " min scolded jimin.

" I know hyung please don't tell namjoon hyung about this. Please. I am not do this every single time don't I? " he showed them his puppy eyes.

Lee and min looked at each other befor smiling at jimin. " don't repeat this again. " said the older male. " yeah don't fool us again " the other male agreed.

" Then I'm going I already skipped one period. " hobi said seeking everyones attention. "bye hyung "


It was the last period and the class was waiting for the professer to come when a beautiful girl suddenly entered the class. Jhope's eyes went wide after realising the person.

"Army why are you here? You are not supposed to be in my class-" he was asking for an explanation while she cut him off. "Shh- oppa I came for you " she dragged him out of the class while the other students gossip about them

" isn't she from that gang? That Min yoongi's gang?"

"Yeah she is"

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