Moving in (updated)

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"Thinking/ Speaking a dfferent language"



After a few hours of sleep, I woke up with a quick stretch.

Y/N: (groans) That was a pleasant nap.

I then got out of bed and went to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face to get me awake. After that, I left my room to find Charlie and Vaggie.

Y/N: If I'm going to be living here, I should gather my stuff from my old apartment.

As I was about to enter the lobby, I overheard a conversation between the two girls.

Vaggie: I'm just not sure about him, Charlie.

Charlie: C'mon Vaggie, he seems to really want to help with our cause.

Vaggie: How can you be so sure? For all we know, it could be just a ploy to get us in bed with him. Personally, I don't believe he never had sex his entire life.

Y/N: Are they talking about me?

Charlie: I get that you're wary about him because he's an incubus. But all I'm asking is to have some faith.

Vaggie: I don't know, hon.

Charlie: Just trust me. Who knows, he might be a great asset to the hotel. And if he does try anything sketchy, we can always kick him out.

I think I've heard enough so I made myself known.

Y/N: Hello you two.

The two acknowledged my presence. Charlie gained a friendly smile while Vaggie had a scowl.

Charlie: Y/N, you're awake did you sleep well?

Y/N: Yeah, I did.

Charlie: That's great to hear. Now that you're awake, we'll need to discuss some details.

Y/N: Sure. What do we need to talk about?

Charlie: Well since you're a hellborn, you won't be required to partake in any rehabilitating exercises with any future patrons. However, we would still like for you to make a good example for them to show that even demons can be good.

Y/N: That I can do.

Vaggie rolled her eyes with a scoff, which didn't go unnoticed as Charlie softly elbowed her.

Charlie: Good. Now we still have a lot of work to do before we can officially open. Hopefully, we can be ready before the extermination day, but if not we can still give Hell a fresh new start.

Y/N: Right. Well, if I'm going to be living here, I'll need to gather my stuff from my old apartment. So, I'll be out for a while.

Charlie: Oh! Why don't we help you get your stuff?

Y/N: Are you sure? I don't want to impose. I can take care of it myself.

Charlie: No need to worry. Besides, what kind of example we are giving if we don't show a little kindness? Right, Vaggie?

Vaggie: (sigh) Yeah, you're right.

Y/N: Well, If you insist.

Me and Charlie made our way to the exit with Vaggie reluctantly following behind. When we made it outside, we saw Razzle and Dazzle washing the limo until they noticed us approaching.

R&D: Princess Charlie, are you going somewhere?

Charlie: Yes, we need to stop by Y/N's apartment to pick up his stuff.

Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva Boss X Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now