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Quackity was finally done with all his meetings. Slime brought some papers for Quackity to sign. There were only a few.

He sat thinking about what his next move would be. He needed to wait a few days just so that Wilbur and Tallulah would catch up together. Quackity wanted Wilbur to see that Tallulah trusts him, that way Wilbur may also trust Quackity. He was pretty sure Wilbur was done trying to run away, he would still be cautious of the tall brunette escaping but now he can trust him walking around the building. He finished up most of his work and stretched in his chair. Someone opened the door so quackity quickly fixed his hair with his hands and sat up in his chair.

Dream walked in. "Hey quackity!"

"Dream. What do you want?"

"I am about to leave actually. Well maybe"

"Okay that's great! The door is that way!" Quackity pointed at the door, dream scoffed.

"Actually, Quackity I found something interesting. I would like you to know." Quackity was now barely paying attention to dream. His attention was now on the poker chip he was playing with. "I now found the information about your new little family!" Quackity stopped fidgeting with the poker chip and sat up. Dream continued,

"Hmm, Wilbur and Tallulah, right? Tell me, when's the wedding? Me and George would be happy anytime to come and help out with such a lovely event!" Dreams voice was laced with underlying threats.

"Dream. What do you want?"

"Oh quackity. you Are Wilbur are such a pretty couple! Too bad Wilbur doesn't agree. In fact he really seemed like he hates you! I mean I wouldn't blame him. You took him away from his family and friends and isolated him with only his daughter left. And now you are using his daughter to win him over."

"Your not going to gilt trip me. I have plans for Wilbur and Tallulah. That don't involve marriage."

"Really? So what's so special about him? I know he is a human. And while they are rare there is no use for them. You know my hybrid collection is missing a human! I just got a enderman hybrid, but you already knew that!" Dream laughed. Quackity now was sat up on his chair with his hands pressed against the desk.

"No. Ranboo isn't your 'collectible'! And if you put your hands on Wilbur I will end you" Quackity gritted his teeth at dream.

"So, you do care for him! Then tell me, would it be bad if I added him to my collection, and then I could use him against you! You know I love collecting things my biggest enemy's are attached to! I mean you saw what happened to that Tommy Minecraft. He lost his life, but he got brought back. By me! Sadly he ran away and I've been stuck in prison."

"What do you want?"

"I want dirt on the Minecraft family! I especially need Phil to stop trying to fight me. I feel like you've found something that might do the trick?"

"Fine. Just tell me when you fight him and I will be there with something he can't refuse"

"How do I know your telling the truth? What is the thing that you are using to control Phil?"

"I'm not telling you"

"Oh well. Say what do humans eat? I'll need to make sure Wilbur is well fed. And maybe I'll separate Tallulah and put her with the other avians!"

"You are a sick man dream."

"Are you going to tell me?" Quackity hated this. He was now being controlled by dream all because he got attached to a tall brunette boy.

"It's Wilbur" dream perked up in surprise. Quackity continued, "he is the fourth son of Phil. Phil tried to hide wil because of how he can't protect himself."

"You really got yourself a gem Quackity!" Dream was surprised he didn't find out about Phil's little secret earlier. "Pleasure doing business with you!" Then dream exited the room. Quackity cursed at himself. He needed to cool down before he went back to his room, he wouldn't want Tallulah seeing him like this. He walked down to the garden. He went along smelling the flowers. Maybe he could ask Wilbur what flowers was his favorite, so Quackity could grab one and bring it to him.

He walked back to the building after about fifteen minutes of cooling off. How did dream find out? Wilbur has only been out of the room a few times and only a few people knew him. Quackity wouldn't lie, he was terrified putting Wilbur's fate in dreams hands. Quackity may have a few feelings towards Wilbur, but he knows that Wilbur doesn't share the same ones, and it could jeopardize the mission even more.

He rode the elevator to the level his room was on. He passed Sam on the way. He walked up to his room and knocked then used the card to get in. He peaked in.

"Wilbur? Tallulah?" He Looked around the entrance and kitchen and then the living room. He started getting nervous. He slowly opened the bedroom door and found Wilbur and Tallulah playing music together. Quackity smiled and Wilbur stopped to look at the new person who entered the room.

"Quackity. Hey I have to talk to you about something. But me and Tallulah are going to finish this, it's been awhile since we've made music together, she looks so happy" Quackity will admit Tallulah hasn't been this happy since Quackity took her. But he also noticed how happy Wilbur was. He was slightly swaying to Tallulah's flute and tapping along on a guitar Quackity found for him.

"No you guys can continue! In fact do you mind if I stay and watch?"

"Oh yeah that's okay."

This was beautiful. Quackity admired how even though so many bad things have happened to the two they still would make each other smile. Quackity would dread the day if it were to come when Tallulah or Wilbur couldn't make the each other smile. Sometimes he wished he had a relationship like this with his own son.

"Oh Wilbur! What is your favorite flower?"

"Oh I like pansies! Tallulah likes poppys!"

"Okay good to know!"

Quackity would worry about dream and whatever Wilbur had to tell him later. For now it was finally just them. He considered them part of his flock, or in other words a family. Dream wasn't wrong, Quackity did see them as a small family, and maybe for a moment wil might as well also consider this his family. At least that was the hopeful thinking of quackity, he knew there was progress being made. But for once Wilbur didn't mind the other being with Quackity, well at least since he found out Ace and Quackity were the same person. Maybe they could be friends like that again.

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