Chapter 4: Going Out With A Bang (Quite Literally)

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I had walked to the crystal cavern, when I noticed something. I was surrounded by gootraxians. "I don't get it...what did I do to those gootraxians for them to surround me and try to kill me?" I thought to myself. There was a Panther, a Buck, and a Shork. I was outnumbered. "Well well well, this is a bit of a western standoff, huh?" I asked. No response.

Buck's POV

"Why was the human not scared? Maybe because he had a golden scythe? He's outnumbered though, so he can't kill us all. This human is in for a ride ont he pain train..." I thought to myself while cracking my knuckles.

Dr. L's POV

I then heard the Buck crack it's knuckles. "I might die here, but at least I'll go out with a bang." I said, smirking. The Slimepup on my back then whimpered. "Don't worry little buddy." I said, patting it on the head. I then pulled my scythe out. The Shork lunged at me, same with the Buck. But I blocked it with my scythe, getting flung back a few feet from the force the two had put on it. My golden scythe flung away from me, just then, they noticed the gun that was holstered. Maybe they thought something like "He has a gun...why is he not using it?" I then ran for my scythe, grabbing it and swinging at the Shork in the stomach. The force of the scythe caused the Shork to get flung into a nearby crystal, cracking it a little bit. The Shork then bled goo. I watched as the Buck and Panther looked at the Shork, then towards me. Both the Buck and Panther leaped forward, baring their teeth and claws. It was like they were flying since they leaped forward with so much pressure. The Buck and Panther then hit the scythe from them leaping at it, causing it to get flung away from me again, and causing me to practically fly in the air, doing a back flip from how much pressure they put on it. I was about five meters in the air, rapidly heading backwards, when I pushed down with so much force, I almost broke the hard cave floor, putting a dent in it and almost breaking my legs in the process. I then fell to my knees, watching as the Buck and Panther approached me slowly. I was only a foot away from a crystal, so one small move, and I would get infected. My legs hurt so much from the fall, I couldn't stand up. Buck then walked up to me. I guess my wish of having a challenge actually came true. The Buck was about to push me into the crystal, when...a black blur leaped at the Buck, making the two roll onto the floor. It was the same Panther from before, saving my life.

The Panther stood in shock as it's friend (Buck) was getting beaten up by the other Panther. "STOP!" The Panther yelled. The other Panther then clawed at Buck, killing it. "You can call me Dark." The other Panther said. I then watched as Dark leaped onto the Panther, with them clawing at each other. It was kinda hard to keep track of who's who, when I remembered Dark had a scar across it's eye. I unholstered my gun, when Dark jumped off of the Panther. It was my time to shoot the Panther. I turned safe mode off, pulling the trigger.


The Panther laid lifeless on the ground as I shot it. Dark then walked up to me. "Hey Dr. L." Dark said. "What?" I asked. "You might want to look behind you." Dark said. I was too busy killing the Panther to notice I was touching the crystal. I looked behind myself, then felt a stab go through my chest. I then fell to the floor, dropping my gun. "God, I hate to watch this happen." Dark said, covering their eyes. I then blacked out.

Dark's POV

I uncovered my eyes to see the scientist I had befriended, turning into a Carneline before my eyes. The goo spread up from his legs to his torso, then arms, and head. He then grew fur, two glowing pink horns, a tail, and ears. I always hate to see my friends turn into gootraxians like me...

Dr. L's POV: Dream ?

"Dr. L..." I heard a voice say in the pitch black of my dream. "Who goes there!" I exclaimed. No response. I then watched as a humanoid figure approached me from the darkness. It was glowing pink. It seemed to be a Carneline. The Carneline just...stood there. Watching. "Embrace it..." I heard a voice say. I had so many questions. "Embrace what?" I asked. Just then, the Carneline lept at me, almost as if I watched my soul getting taken away by the Grim Reaper. It all ended, and I woke up.

Real Life

"Dr. L?" I heard Dark say. "Fuck, fuck fuck fuck." I said, looking at my paws, sitting down. "Yeah, I watched it happen to you." Dark said. "I need to make a cure. NOW." I said as I got up. "Yeah, but what about-" Dark was interrupted by the lights. All of the colors turned to normal, and the lights were back. I watched as the guards all ran out of the emergency bay. Both me and Dark looked at them for a second, then ran to the elevator, when I pressed the 'Hotel' button.

John's POV

I walked outside of the emergency bay, as I watched a Carneline and a Panther run somewhere. Seems like the guards didn't notice, because they ran in different directions. I walked up close, to realize this torn up lab coat in Dr. L's. "Shit. He turned." I said. "What did you say sir?" A guard asked. "Not important." I told the guard, looking at the lab coat in shreds.

Dr. L's POV

I walked into my hotel room with Dark, when they noticed all of the sunglasses in my drawer. "Wow, is this where the facility staff get to live?" Dark asked. "Yeah." I said, rummaging around in my drawers. "AHA!" I exclaimed. I had gathered the ingredients for the cure, when I saw a figure standing right outside my hotel room. Theys seemed to be a lizard gootraxian with purple goggles, three lenses, and a long tail. "Uhhhhh...Dark?" I asked. "Yeah?" Dark replied. "What the fuck is standing outside of my door..." I said.

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