Part 29 - Second Try

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Was it a stupid move? Probably. But the idea of going 2 whole weeks without seeing Red sounded worse.

The security guard had given him quite the look when he handed him the Golden Lounge tickets to give to Y/N. It had been almost a year since he'd issued any. Normally he would book a Golden Lounge for himself to watch the matches, and after a year of not inviting guests to join him, most of the Event Sector managers got used to it.

It made sense that the man was shocked.

It was the 5th, which meant she would be in the Commons. In two days the finals would begin– it was like fate lined everything up for him to do this, and Kirishima had always been a sap for fate. Who was he to dismiss a perfect opportunity?

So, he sent the bewildered Event Sector guard on his way to invite her, and he prayed to every star in the sky that somehow his Golden Lounge would be hosting a lovely little artist on Friday. Even if she didn't know it was him, it was better than not seeing her at all, wasn't it?

A manila folder dropping on his desk snapped him from his thoughts. He didn't even realize someone came in.

"You're off your game today. What gives?" Bakugou grunted.

Kirishima leaned back in his chair and sighed. "Just... missin' her is all."


A crumpled ball of paper zipped in through his office door and nailed Katsuki in the head. "Stop being a dickhead, you know who he's talking about!" It had to be Tink. No one else would dare antagonize the boss like that.

"You have work to do!" Bakugou barked back through the door.

"So do you, smartass!"

Katsuki whipped Kirishima's office door closed and marched back over to his desk. "It's two weeks, Ei. Relax"

"You're one to talk. You lose your shit if you go one day without seeing her."

It was true. One time Tink went back home to America for a few days, and it was absolute hell around the office. Forget trying to bring Bakugou to an event she wasn't there for– he would scowl and say, "Tink's not here, this shit blows," and leave the party before anyone could stop him. If he wasn't attached to his fiancée's hip, Katsuki had zero interest in whatever was happening. 

"She's my fiancée, that's different."

"You were like that before you were engaged, too. Remember when she left UA for the holidays and you sulked all week?"

"When she beat the shit outta that guy at the airport?"


Katsuki snickered to himself at the fond memory with crossed arms, daydreaming about his fiancée yet again, then realized what he was doing and snapped back into work mode. "Whatever. Not the point. Just stop moping in the office."

"I'm not moping," Eijirou muttered, running his hands through his hair. "My paperwork is done already, I'm heading out soon anyways."

When he stood up to pack up his things, he noticed Katsuki biting at his nails. It was a bad habit he picked up since starting Dynamight Agency, and it was usually indicative of a deeper issue.

"What's up, man?" He asked gently.

Katsuki nodded at the manila folder he dropped on Kirishima's desk.

Confused, Eijirou stopped his packing to flip through it. There were dozens of numbered pages (Bakugou was always very particular about paperwork), color coded with tabs and indexed to perfection.

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