Chapter Three

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I woke up to a naked body being cuddled against my back, I forgot Lucy is a hugger after sex kind of girl, I managed to escape from her grasp and go in the bathroom to shower and get myself ready for the day. Going back in my room to see her sitting up on the bed the sheet covering her lower half, I eyed her.

"You can look all you want sweetie, text me anytime" she said to me without taking her eyes of her phone.

"What about Evan?" I asked her, I feel bad because she basically just cheated on him.

"Don't worry about Evan, we agreed on an open relationship, he sees other girls and I other people too" she told me and now I made myself more cautious as possible.

"Luce, you know my rule when I do this with people, always get checked on so nothing gets spread, you are checking with these other people right?" I asked her, when I decided to just sleep around, I always get checked and so do the people I do it with.

"Of course, I'm not that stupid" she told me and I just decided to leave the conversation there, so as I was getting ready, Lucy had left to get ready herself. I got lost in my thoughts thinking about last night, that Miss Black or should I say River finally told me their name and it suited her very well.

I didn't have time for breakfast so I just headed to work, the usual, I signed in and went straight up to the office to not see River here yet. So I sat down behind the desk and looked at how many people we had to interview. On cue as I looked through, River walked in holding a box and 2 coffee cups, I smiled as she placed them down.

"So I didn't know what drink you like but I asked one of the girls that knew you and in the box are baked breakfast goods, I thought after your night last night you wouldn't have time to eat" she told me and I nodded and opened the box to see croissants, crepes and pretzels, I licked my lips and grabbed one to eat.

"You are correct, I didn't have time so thank you" I told her and she sat down and grabbed a treat for herself and then looked to me.

"So how was it?" she asked and I looked at her in shock.

"Yeah, not discussing my sex life with you" I told her and she pouted and moved closer.

"Come on, at least tell me how many contacts you have that you have had sex with" she asked and I had to get out my phone to count the amount, people just get lost after one night.

I counted them all and then looked to her, "35" I said and her eyes nearly popped out of her head.

"35! and you see all of them on occasion?" she asked and I shook my head at that most were one night and got the number just in case but I only see about 5 of them.

"No, only 5, why so interested?" I asked her, I was really curious why she became as such.

"Well why don't you get rid of the other 30, cut them all off and keep to the five, do one a week or do one a day and have the weekend to yourself" she told me and I had to laugh but most of what she said held truth.

"Definitely no switching it up everyday but the whole cutting off the 30, not a bad idea" so before we started work, I took time to delete all the numbers from past hook ups and just kept the 5 I enjoy the most, that consisted off: Damon, Maddox, Jesse, Maya and Kaira. 

As I put my phone away, River gave me a nod and I gave one back as we continued on with the interviews. Through the talks I took many glances at River just to admire that way she looked and spoke, seeing the way her jaw moves and the random moments she licks her lips before she speaks. Why am I thinking about my boss this way?

We came upon our lunch break in no time and as the last person left the office, River turned to me.

"Something on my face because that's all you have been looking at during these?" she asked and I did not expect that and I was a loss for words.

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