Chapter Twenty - Three Finale

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5 Years Later

River stood in front of a mirror and looked at herself as she wore the dark blue suit and proceeded to tie her tie as her hands shook and she calmed herself down. The door knocked as Seph walked in wearing a dark blue dress herself with black heels and her hair fell straight down her back. She walked over and turned River to face her and help her with the tie.

"Why you nervous?" Seph asked as she finished the tie and then helped with River's waistcoat and then jacket.

"It's just a big day for her is all" River said and Seph agreed.

"We got this, come on" Seph said as she lead them both out of the room and to the small room where family and friends awaited. They stood on one side as they both eyed their mom sitting at the front as the ceremony began and also Luiza with Aurora who is getting more mature everyday now being ten years old.

First the bridesmaids came down, one of them being Caitlyn as she joined Seph and River at the side as they looked down the isle to see Darcy in the most beautiful white dress walking down with her father. The brightest smile on her face as her eyes scanned the front to her sisters and mother as her eyes landed on her wife to be Emily. 

Meeting her five years ago, when Darcy joining the school system and becoming a teacher and teaching in the same department as Emily. They both became close and a year of being friends, figuring out they have feelings for each other and became girlfriends.

Still living with Sasha, Sasha eventually moved out and got an apartment with her partner that she got with letting Darcy have Emily move in with her to start a life together.

The ceremony was well under way with a long talk and vows being spoken as they were announced wife and wife and were told to kiss and seal the deal. They exited with everyone following and heading to a small venue where the after party was to be at.

Everyone invited of family and friends were inside as Darcy and Emily made the rounds to speak to everyone before seating with their family to eat and drink and then do their first dance. Other couples joining as their parents joined in. Seph and Luiza with Aurora in the middle of them. Also River and Caitlyn coming together they both stared at each other before big smiles broke out on their faces before sharing a kiss. No words being spoken but also a thousand spoken between the looks they were giving each other.


Persephone's POV:

Weeks after Darcy's wedding. I continued on with work, I walked into the compound as my heels clicked along the hardwood floor as it echoes through. I looked through one of the rooms to see my team teaching the new recruits what they need to learn. I looked on the other side to see in the R&D department to see the next thing we created being built. I walked on and nodded to a few people on my way and walked into the office once I got there. I closed the doors behind myself and sat down to go through a few emails for the day and then left the office just as quickly to help with work and find myself in the R&D room helping out.

Finding out that I love more hands on work and doing this since day one with the great people I have on my side. Over the course of five years, we have expanded and become one of the biggest corporations in the state, outshining River and I's old company and becoming the beacon for the future. 

We've built homes and apartments for people in need helping them back on their feet and finding work. Other apartments as well with an affordable rent as well as affordable homes as well. Also with vehicles that we created that use a source of power that isn't gas or electricity and a safer way for the environment as well.

After about four hours of work, I called for a break so I went back to my office and to my surprise I saw Luiza in my chair. I shut the door slowly and clicked it so it was locked.

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