Chapter Seven

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It was Friday evening and I had my date with River tomorrow and I still hadn't come up with anything to do, we stole glances at work quite often but never making a move, bottling it all up for tomorrow or not. The boys next door invited me for dinner and a movie night so I made my way around and walked in to the smell of pizza.

"In the lounge hun" I heard Caleb call out to me, I took my shoes off and walked in and sat in between them both as they both squeezed me into a hug.

"What's the gossip, what's been going on?" Conor asked as he handed me a glass of wine as he chose a movie.

"Well, I have my date with River tomorrow and have no idea what to do, so any help is welcome" I told them as lay back as I saw them both thinking.

"Can't go wrong with a dinner" Caleb said and I know that's always the best approach but I was thinking different for once.

"Or you can go to like an arcade or mini golf, so friendly competition" Conor said and that did seem fun, maybe like a bet.

"I'll sleep on it, the point is just to have a simple date, no sex after, no one night, I'm done with that" I told them and they smiled at me like proud fathers.

"Now that's character growth" Conor said and I slapped his arm as we watched the movie and ate pizza.


The next day I texted River to wear something casual and where to meet. I decided on short jean shorts and white sandals and an off the shoulder crop top and had my hair wavy and left down and grabbed what I needed and headed out. I decided on the mini golf idea, friendly competition always sets the mood for if they are a team player or sore loser.

When I got there and parked, I walked over to where River was and saw she was wearing, ripped jeans with brown boots and a simple white t shirt, what caught my eye was that her hair wasn't in the usual style of being slicked back, there was no product and it was just in a messy style that was still attractive.

"Hey" I said as she caught me and gave me a good few seconds to check me out.

"Hi, you look beautiful" she said already making me blush, I quickly turned around and we made our way in to pay for our clubs and balls and made our way to the first hole.

"So how about a friendly bet?" I asked her and she cocked an eyebrow and slowly nodded.

"Ok, so whoever loses had to do a punishment of whatever the winner wants" I offered and she agreed to it.

"Sure thing, but don't get upset when I win" she challenged and I nodded.

"Oh, assuming you're already going to win" I teased back and she leaned into me and I smelt that alluring smell she always has around her.

"I'm not assuming sweetheart, I know I will" she whispered and I almost lost feeling in my legs but shook my head of them thoughts as she lined up her ball and her first shot was a hole in one. It's so on.

We were on our second to last hole and she was destroying me, it's only a friendly game but I was definitely a sore loser. I made my last shot and got it in as I grabbed my ball and we went to the last hole, anything I could try and do, I wouldn't catch up anyway, so I had to pull out the big guns.

"How about an additional bet on what we already have?" I offered and she smirked knowing why I was doing this but she agreed to it.

"If you can get the next shot in a hole in one, I'll pay for lunch and buy you whatever you want" I offered and she examined the hole and then looked to me.

"Ok" she simply said and I knew I fucked up.

She placed her ball on the ground and kept pacing forward and back looking at where the hole is and adjusting her ball like this is serious golf.

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