The Sleepover

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this is my first time writing  lumity one shot story so please give feedback  

Amity pov 

plot: Luz invits amity to sleepover  ( this is when amity still had green hair) 

I wake up to the faces of Edric and Emira telling me I'm late for school. They have stupid smiles on their faces, so I can tell they had something to do with it. I get dressed in my Hexide school uniform only to realize Edric and Emira changed the time on my alarm clock to 9:00 a.m. I'll think of something to get them back later. I check my scroll, and it's 3:30 in the morning. I try to go back to sleep, and knowing my ADHD self, I'm not going to be able to go back to sleep. I go make breakfast, and I sit down in my living room, trying to make as little noise as possible. I accidentally turned the TV up too loud, and I think everyone in the house now knows what I'm watching. Edric comes in the room groggily and asks me,Grayskull,"Why" why is somebody yelling for the honor of grayskull and can you knock it off?" I go to check the time, and if I don't leave soon, then I might be late for school for real. I head out the door and make my way to school. The sun shines through the trees, giving the path to school a golden ray of sunshine. I put my playlist on shuffle and turned the volume up so loud you could hear it through the ear buds. I listen to the lyrics of the song.

"Straight hair, straight A's, straight forward"

My music gets interrupted by a familiar human girl wearing her stupid (cute) cat hoodie. I immediately take out my earbuds, and as I feel a blush rise to my face, I say, "Hi Luz." I really hope I don't sound as flustered as I feel.Whatcool. hi, She says hi and she invites me to a sleepover at the owl house later tonight. "Sounds cool, what time should I meet you at the owl house?" You could probably hear the excitement in my voice.

"Um,Seecool.thatsays, "Okay,4:30" how about 4:30" Luz says " ok sounds cool see you there." I walk off, Shit,I? much,THAT? GOD,'OH MY GOD WHY DID I SAY THAT. I said cool too much didn't I. Shit she is going to think I'm so weird.' I shake my head, trying not to think about the shitshow that people call conversation.

Finally,gang,them thatMy first three classes are boring as usual, but I still pay attention and take notes. Finally it's lunch time. I sit with Luz and the gang and we talk about the sleepover. Willow asks Luz what time she and Gus should come over to the owl house for the sleepover. She tells them 5:30 is fine. I'm just wondering why she told them to come over later than me. I don't mind much because' I get to spend more time together with Luz, with or without her friends.

Lunch is over, and I have to go back to class. The rest of my classes today are with Luz, so I am excited for that. I get to class first as usual, and Luz shows up just as the bell rings and plops a seat next to me. "Hiya Amity." She says. A small blush rises up my neck and to my ears. "Um, hi, Luz." The teacher tells us we will be doing partner projects, and we can choose our own partners. Luz and I immediately looked at each other and simultaneously said, "Do you want to be my partner?" Luz then says, "Jinks. She nearly shouts, and the people around us shoot annoyed glares. "Um, Luz, what's a jinx?" I am noticeably quieter and more confused. "Oh yeah, you guys don't have those terms here in the boiling isles," she tells me. She doesn't get to explain further because the teacher comes over to us and explains that the project is on abominations. Then the teacher tells us to get to work, then walks over to the next table me of the. The rest of class is just Luz and I goofing around. I know we should be getting our project done in class, but seeing Luz smiling and laughing without a care in the world It makes me all warm inside, and I feel like I'm flying.

In the last class of the day, Luz and I passed notes the whole time because we had already done the lesson (we even made a secret code). Then she I forget?""Howsay,forgot." Isurprise I house,"It'ssays,passes me a note that says " 4:30 at the owl house and i have a special surprise for you just in case you forgot" i send it back and say " how could i forget." ' 'WHAT DOES SHE MEAN BY SPECIAL SURPRISE? I AM PRETTY SURE SHE DIDN'T MENTION A SURPRISE? (Because I listened to her every word.)

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