Heartbreaking haloween

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Sorry this is late I have been working on it for forever but happy late Halloween

Third pov: 

Luz stood by the entrance to the haunted house, her face a mix of anticipation and nervousness. She had decided to come to the haunted house with Amity, Willow, Gus, and Hunter. She couldn't help but feel a strange energy surrounding the place, but she shook it off. Amity and Luz held hands, while Hunter, Gus and Willow walked next to them. After all, you never know what could jump out and scare you in a haunted house.

Amity was the most excited out of everyone. She wanted to try out her acting skills and get some free candy

Amity stepped in front of the group, a wide grin spread like a crack on her face. She stood in front of a sign on the wall, reading "chainsaw act". She looked back at her friends, still grinning widely but also sweating with anticipation. Hunter,Gus and Willow looked ready to run at a moment's notice, it vaguely reminded Luz of a flock of chickens.

Amity then spoke in a loud voice, trying to get the attention of all the people waiting to see her.

"Ghouls, Werewolves, and gremlins, welcome to my very own act! With me, you will not just be scared, you will be filled with true fear!" she exclaims while striking a dramatic pose.
A hush fell over the crowd as they all waited for the show to begin. Amity couldn't hold in the excitement any longer and took a deep breath.

"Oh look, there's a chainsaw! This is Perfect!" Amity exclaims while grabbing the chainsaw from a box next to her.
She revs the engine up and the crowd falls deeper in their seats, looking away in fear. Everyone in the room can feel the terror and anticipation.
"This will be fun!" Amity exclaims, trying to hide her nervousness beneath her usual cool demeanor.
Amity brings the chainsaw near her neck and pulls the trigger. The blades begin to move, ready to slice into her body, yet stop just a few inches from her neck.

"You don't have to do it, Amity." a calm voice speaks in the crowd. Everyone looks over to see... Luz. Her expression is one of pure fear, her eyes locked on Amity's neck.
Amity looks back at Luz in shock, she hadn't expected to see her here. The crowd sits in silence, waiting to see what Amity will do next.
Luz walks over to Amity, her face filled with concern. "Don't do it, please..." she pleads. Amity's expression remains stoic, as if she is ready to go through with it.

The crowd gasps in terror. A few people rush forward, afraid that Amity will actually go through with it. Everyone waits for Amity's next move, their hearts pounding.
"It's been nice knowing you, Luz." Amity whispers. She pulls the trigger and lets the chainsaws slice through her neck. The blood spurts across the stage and the crowd screams in horror.
Luz's face contorts in fear. As she witnesses her girlfriend's death, the guilt and regret flood into her mind.
Amity falls to the ground, dead. The crowd remains silent, stunned by what they just witnessed.

Luz can't take it anymore. She falls to the ground, tears streaming down her face. She couldn't believe her girlfriend was gone. She tried to shake the image out of her mind, but it kept replaying like a movie in her head. She was never going to see Amity's smile again...
At that moment, Amity's hand twitched. Luz looked over at Amity's body, and her jaw dropped. Amity was still alive. The stage was covered in her blood, but Amity's eyes were open.

Her breath was unsteady, but she was alive. Luz's face fell with surprise, and she rushed over to Amity's side. She cradled her girlfriend's head in her lap, completely unsure of what to do.
Amity looked up at Luz with bloodshot eyes. She tried to speak, but only a wheeze came out. Her throat was sore, and her voice was hoarse. Luz was quick to notice that Amity was trying to speak and began to listen closely.
Amity was mumbling something, but it was hard to make out exactly what she was sayi"Wh... what?!" Luz asked, her voice shaking with tears.

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