Trouble with math

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okay so i made this for a math essay so its not as good 

human AU

Luz pov:

 I realize I have school today when my alarm goes off. "Ughh school." It seemed to me like the weekend. Mondays really bother me. After getting dressed and getting up, I take a shower. I put on my favorite band's T-shirt and some saggy, torn white wash denim. I then put on a checkered flannel in blue and black. Last but not least, I wore a beanie to complete the look.

I make my way downstairs to grab my breakfast. As it happens, Eda comes downstairs because I'm being a little too noisy. "LUZ, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" She whispers loudly, "ITS THREE IN THE MORNING!"  My stomach sinks." I DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS THREE IN THE MORNING. I SWEAR I DIDN'T—oh, nevermind, I know what happened."

I ran past my Eda, then up the stairs, and into my brother's room. "I KNOW YOUR AWAKE KING!" I ripped off the covers, and it looks like he got into a dress up closet again. "AHHA, I KNEW IT." Our mom walks by, and then King gets up and climbs to the top of his bed. "Look, I'm superman."

I walk out of his bedroom before things can get any weirder. I put on the TV and watched Modern Family. I check the time, and it's sevan. I should really start heading my way to school before I'm late.

"By mom, I'm going to school now!" I grab the car keys from the refrigerator. Right before I head out the door, my mom stops me. "Do you have everything? Keys, backpack, wallet, phone." I quickly check my pockets. '' Yep, I have everything. By Eda, see you after school. I love you.'' I look out the window, and it's raining. I muttrer to myself. "I should probably get a rain jacket.'' I run and go get one, then I get in the car. I start the car and pull out of the driveway.

I see my friend walking on the sidewalk. I roll down the window and yell out her name. "AMITY, why are you walking out in the rain? Hop in the car. I see that Amity is shivering, so I turn on the heater and then pull out a blanket from my backpack and give it to her. '' Thanks, Luz," she says in a shaky voice from all the shivering. She rests her head on the inside of the car door and closes her eyes. She falls asleep and I Look over at her and a slight blush washes over my face. I connect my phone to the car to play music quietly. When we get to school, I gently wake Amity up.

We get there at seven twenty. We walk into school and head to the library. We sit down at a table in the back of the library. "Sorry, Luz, I'm so tired today because I haven't slept in a week studying for the test."I look at Amity in shock. "WE HAVE A TEST TODAY." Amity looks at me with a concerned look. "Yes, we have a test today, Luz. Did you not study?"

I rip open my backpack and frantically search for my math binder. I pull out my math binder, then flip to a blank piece of notebook paper. "Can you please help me study for the test?" Amity takes the pencil from my hands and starts jotting down practice problems. "Okay, Luz, there are some rules you need to know first." She says it in an uplifting way, giving me hope that I can do this. "Okay, so for the product of powers, you multiply exponentials with the same base and add their exponents." I blankly stare at Amity, questioning the stuff I thought I already knew. "You're not getting any of this, are you?" I shake my head slowly with a saddened attitude. "Okay, let me try this again." I give her a soft smile. She writes down a practice problem from the book. "Okay, tell me how you think you are going to solve this."

I look at the problem. Twenty-seven to the power of four times twenty-seven to the power of six. She hands me the pencil. I look at the problem, and I honestly have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I don't want to look stupid in front of my Crush. I start writing stuff down. I start by simplifying out the twenty-seven to the power of four, and I get five hundred thirty-one thousand, four hundred forty-one. Now I start simplifying the second one, and I get three hundred eighty-seven million, four hundred twenty thousand, and four hundred eighty-nine. Now for the final part: multiplying. I cringe when I think I have to do this, but I proceed. After turning my brain into a pile of dog crap, I think I got the right answer. I right down

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