Dia de los Muertos

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so this fic is on the short side because i wrote it during class and it was requested by Dwatk16 
so thank you fro the idea 

I hop you guys enjoy  

Third pov:

Amity and Luz had been looking forward to the day of the dead, it was one of Luz's favorite holidays and Amity was eager to learn about it. They headed to a local town filled with colorful vendors, with an ancient-looking building at its center.
A large crowd had gathered, and Amity could sense their energy, she took Luz's hand and looked over her shoulder to see Luz's eyes filled with curiosity. Amity squeezed Luz's hand, and they made their way deeper into the crowd, eager for the event to begin.

Amitys eyes landed on a vendor selling face paints, it seemed to be a popular place, but they couldn't help but be pulled in. They watched silently as the kids walked up and asked for various designs, Amity could feel the heat rising in her face as various paint brushes danced over Luz's face, painting skulls with an elegant touch. She knew Luz was beautiful, of course, anyone could see that. But Amity couldn't help the way her heart fluttered.

When the vendor was finished, Amity turned to admire Luz, she looked like a painting. Amity saw Luz was nervous, her face painted with the skull of her father in his memory. She reached out her hand, and Luz took it gently. Amity stepped closer and placed her forehead against Luz's. No words were needed to know the love between them. Amity looked at Luz, and her eyes were filled with the beauty of the tradition.

They stepped away and continued on, hand and hand through the festival. At every booth, they stopped to look. Amity enjoyed every minute she spent with Luz, her presence alone was enough to warm her heart. They reached a booth filled with colorful paper lanterns. Amity knew this one was Luz's favorite. They took a few lanterns and walked through the festival, the lanterns gently floating above their hands, illuminating their faces.

The crowd had thinned out when they reached the center of the festival, and they finally had some space to breathe and appreciate the decorations they had spent their journey admiring. They walked to a small gazebo as they heard music drifting through. Amity grabbed Luz's hand tightly, and she led them inside. Amity saw Luz's eyes light up, and she felt the way her heart fluttered when she was near Luz.. Amity could almost hear her breath catch for a moment as they stepped inside the gazebo.

There was a large statue inside of a skeleton playing a harp beneath a full moon. The music grew louder, the statue looking alive somehow. Amity pulled Luz close and looked for some seats. She spotted an empty bench near the statue, and they settled beside each other. Luz leaned against Amity, and Amity leaned against her in return. Amity felt her heart skip a beat as Luz rested against her shoulder.

Amity watched the statue as the music played around them. A full moon, ancient and mysterious, like the statue. She heard Luz's breathing, and it filled her with a sense of serenity. Luz's face was peaceful, and it filled Amity with joy just to look at her. They rested in silence, listening to the music, looking out at the moon. The sky sparkled just like their eyes must have.

Amity turned towards Luz, and their eyes locked for a moment. The music faded away as Luz's eyes looked into hers. Amity could feel her heart beating in her chest as a warm sensation filled her, and for a moment, no words were necessary. They looked into each other's eyes, letting their feelings speak, finally ending with an intimate kiss. Amity savored the moment, the music returning as they pulled away.

They shared a moment together under the moonlight, a moment of peace, understanding, and love. Amity couldn't help but feel a bit of sadness that the moment didn't last longer. They both sat in the gazebo a bit longer, letting the music wash over them, the feeling of each other's presence calming their hearts. As the music slowly faded, they realized that the festival was over, and they both smiled fondly at the memories they had created, ready to get home and savor the moment longer.

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