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( just an FYI ma = Patricia and mum = Paula!! Also please read the description!!! anyways bye!! I hope u enjoy)

Translations at the end of the chapter!

I wake up due to my alarm ringing too loudly for my liking. I open my eyes- forcefully. I stare at the ceiling for a while, my alarm still going. Then I hit a button on the alarm to make it shut up. It's another day.

I sit up on my bed, I yawn and stretch my arms in the air. Right now it's 7:05 so I have some of time to get ready and eat, school starts at 8:45. Well class starts at 9:00 but we go to this mini period at the beginning of the day for attendance and then our form tutor, a.k.a the person who takes attendance--may or may not tell us some unimportant school shit, though I guess their job is Important, I'm just really out of it in the mornings so I come off as 'rude' and 'disrespectful'.

Maybe today won't suck.

I rub my eyes for a while to the point I see colors spinning when I take my hands off. I crack my knuckles and get off of my bed. I walk towards the dresser that's to the left of my room.

I get some clothes that I'd like to wear today-- a grey shirt, black ripped jeans, and a black leather coat. It's my usual-- other times I put on a black-ish skirt with dark leggings and a red hoodie.

I put the clean clothes on the edge of my bed and take off what I was wearing, I drop it and leave it on the floor; I don't bother putting it in a hamper, I'm too lazy right now.

I put on my clothes and go towards a cabinet with a mirror, my things all scattered on it; hairbrush, glasses which I don't use, stickers, rubber bands, report cards, lotions, bracelets I've made with my old friends in Norway and some new bracelets with newer memories of my now closest friends, as well as many other things.

I grab my brush and start undoing the knots in my dark brown hair. Then I grab a bit of hair at the back of my head; it sticks up so I've decided to always put it in a rubber band that has cute red beads, like a sort of ponytail.

I would shower but I feel awfully tired- more than any other days, and besides I don't have that much time before school starts, and today's Friday so nobody's gonna know.

I finished brushing my hair and proceeded stare at myself in the mirror, almost as if judging myself.. well, I am judging myself. I have eyebags that are dark and heavy, almost like they're sinking into my face. My summer tan from last year is starting to fade a bit. 'I'm gonna sleep when I get back from that hellhole.' I think as I put on my black boots that were next to my bed.

I go downstairs-- stairs leading to the living room and then I turn to my left, into the kitchen. I stand at the frame of the kitchen's entrance, where a door would be but isn't.

I see ma (Patricia/Pat) making toast and eggs while mum (Paula/Pau) looks at ma from her seat, mum's elbow on the table and her chin on the palm of her hand. Smiling. I can tell mum loves ma a lot. It makes me think true love does exist-- seeing them like this...

"God morgen Tori, breakfast is almost ready, okay?" Ma says turning her head to the left, staring at me from the corner of her eye as she smiles. "Okie-dokie" I say a bit happier now, seeing my mums happy always makes me happy.

I sit at the table next to mum. "God morgen, mitt lille monster" mum says messing up my hair and chuckling. "Mum I JUST brushed my hair!!" I say frowning and shooing her hand off my head. "Ehh- you're fine, you can brush it again later" she says as her gaze goes back to ma with her smile slowly returning.

I roll my eyes, "Whatever.." I mumbled only loud enough for myself to hear as I pat my hair down with both my hands so it doesn't look so messy. When ma is done with making breakfast- I was napping with my head on the table, suppose I was too tired.

Mum nudges my right arm, "C'mon sleepy head, you needa eat" I groan and slur out a 'fine'. There was a plate in front of me with toast and scrambled eggs. I finished the whole plate rather quickly, 'cause I mean- I was kinda hungry.

I left the kitchen and walked up the stairs, going back to my room, 'can't belive she messed up my hair!' I think as I go up the stairs.

Again, I brush my hair and then I brush my teeth, checking the time I see it's... 8:53?!!? "FUCK, IM GONNA BE LATE!!" I yell at the top of my lungs and quickly get my backpack from the floor of my messy bedroom. I feel like I forgot something... oh well, can't go back now! Besides, it can't be that important if I forgot it..

I run down the stairs, "Be careful Tori!! And no cursing!!" I hear ma yell at me as I run towards the front door to unlock it. "Let her live, kjærlighet, she's got this" mum chuckles. I get the keys for the front door from the top of an oak drawer, the keys next to a family photo of me and my mums when I was younger.

"Uhuh-- okay!! Bye! Love you guys!!" I yell at them as I open the door to outside "Make sure to lock the door!" I say from outside of the house while tossing the keys back onto the top of the drawer, the keys slide across the surface of it for a little. "Okay! Bye Tori, be good!" Mum says before I close the door.

I start running to school, I don't think the school bus stopped by my house today, I would've heard it and wouldn't be in this situation right now if it did.
'Shit! Imma be so late!!'


God Morgan... - Good morning

God morgen, mitt lille monster - Good morning, my little monster

kjærlighet - love

These translations are from Google so if you're a native Norwegian speaker and these translations are wrong please tell me! :)

Is this chapter short? Anyway tell me if you like it and I'll keep posting chapters, I hope some of you guys do like it. Bye now :)
*also read description if u haven't already <3*

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