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So I'm currently under editing the 4 chapters I've made cuz they are inaccurate to secondary schools in London *and grammar mistakes in them*, I know that I don't have to make it 'accurate' but I just feel wrong and misleading when I know that I'm writing random and unreal stuff and i don't like it-

Having said that I'm kinda busy doing some nerdy ass research of the daily schedule of secondary schools in London bc well I obviously don't live in London or I wouldn't have to do all this lmao.

And I'm sorry if u don't like how I'm tryna be 'perfect' cuz ik this is just a silly little fanfic but I just hate feeling like I'm being so stupid to not atleast TRY to make this fanfic even a little real, idk if that's just me-

Idk, I mean I kinda like learning how things r different from where I live so it's not that bothersome to me, anyways umm there's gonna be a new chapter in about 2 days, maybe 3... idk but it's gonna be soon :)

Anyways I love u guys and thank you so much for reading this!! Like you don't know how much this means to me, I appreciate it ALOT cuz I though i was gonna give up and get hate but i didn't!!

So I also wanna say, if ur feeling unsure about doing something bc ur afraid to be hated or made fun of, it's always ok to let it rest, take a break to calm urself and try again later on *if u want to ofc*, don't let ur bad thoughts bring u down if what ur doing isn't wrong or hurting anyone :)

anyway bye! Have a good day/night/afternoon :)

so I just wanna let u guys know that this will be a somewhat long fanfic *sorry not sorry* and it will contain romance/fluff *is fluff the same as romance or?* and (maybe) angst. So I mention that bc ik not everyone likes angst and I get it cuz tbh it makes me sad *if it's written right*

So I don't think it's gonna be good cuz my writing isn't that good to where it'll make someone wanna cry or sad. Probably just be like 😐 and then keep reading, and I'll probably make it so bad it might be cringe but you never know 'til u try I guess?

Anyways bye again :)

(Does anyone even read these?)

2nd Edit, August 1:

Ok. So uhh if you live in the US then, u know how most or if not- all high-schools have A day and B day? A block schedule? Yeah uhh imma just get this out there but for most secondary schools in London don't do that and they have like all periods every day so yeah- I don't wanna confuse people about that. And I did a BRIEF amount of research so if I'm wrong and block schedules r more common than I think PLEASE tell me. Cuz if y'know me then u know how I don't like writing unrealistic settings for a story. Most of the time I like it, but I don't feel like being misleading right now.

And block schedules ARE a thing in the UK but not very common so I'm not going to do one, unless I change my mind. And I know I can't change my mind over and over again so here's where I need you guys...

Should I do A and B days or all periods every day? Both are good and I can make both work. I don't mind which YOU choose, I can't because I've never been good at making choices. So pls choose which one you would like more- this isn't gonna have a big ass part on the plot or anything. It's just been on my mind and it makes me restless.

So yeah. I'd really appreciate it if you guys would tell me which you'd like to see more :)

A and B day -

All periods every day -

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