Chapter Four

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"What are we doing today, Spiritcloud?" Lilypaw meowed excitedly. It was sunhigh, and Lilypaw had just woken up in her new den. She missed the nursery and the queens, Snowkit and Spottedkit too. But in the apprentices den, she got to sleep with Yellowpaw! The cats had been friends for a long time. Lilypaw longed to sleep with him in the same den when he had been made an apprentice, even though they haven't been away for very long. She was also excited that she would make new friends, like Leafpaw, Yellowpaw's sister, and Featherpaw.

"Well, would you like to go on a tour of our territory?" Spiritcloud asked. Lilypaw nodded her head vigorously and the two cats headed out of the camp entrance for the first time together.

"Here is the Winterclan border," Spiritcloud announced as they came to a huge oak tree. The leaves Lilypaw noticed were starting to turn a sunset orange. Lilypaw knew that that meant it was almost leaf-fall and prey would start to become scarce. Not this season! Thought Lilypaw, I'm going to catch so much prey that no cat in SkyClan will ever go hungry again! She shuffled her paws in excitement.

"Let's keep going or it'll take us until nightfall to show you the whole territory!" Spiritcloud meowed with amusement. "Let's go then!" Lilypaw felt as if her whole body was twitching with anticipation. "Okay," mewed Spiritcloud as she waved her tail to keep going. Lilypaw followed Spiritcloud to a stream that separated their territory from a meadow. "This is the Mossclan border." Spiritcloud pointed her ear in the direction of the water. "Ugh! It stinks!" squeaked Lilypaw. "Yes, that's because there's a thunderpath just north from here." Spiritcloud replied briskly, "Now let's go to the Oceanclan border". "Okay!" Lilypaw skipped along the forest with her mentor until they came to a stop at a rotting fence.

"This is the end of our territory, breaking off into the flower fields." Spiritcloud said calmly, "It seems like it would be a good place for a large group of cats to live if there were any. But no cat has found any rogues or groups of cats living there yet, it's strange, like it's a territory waiting to be found and lived in.." She murmured, half to herself as she stared at the large field of flowers.

Lilypaw was awestruck, she had never seen something more beautiful in her life. Wow, I wonder why Ravenstar or any of the other clans haven't claimed this land yet. It's certainly big and must have someplace that would work as a camp... Lilypaw thought to herself.

"Well, we better keep moving." Spiritcloud announced as she shook herself and padded towards a babbling brook. "Okay." Lilypaw padded after her mentor. Spiritcloud seemed so transfixed on the flower field, I wonder why? I mean, I don't think it's special to her, just an ordinary place where rogues and loners would live... Lilypaw thought to herself.

"This is our last stop!" Spiritcloud announced, interrupting Lilypaw's thoughts.

Lilypaw gazed at the beautiful stream, there was moss on the top of every rock which made the sun reflect off of it almost looking like crystals, the sun also reflected on the water which made it glimmer. "Wow.." Lilypaw murmured to herself.

"Yes, it is beautiful. This stream is the border from our territory to Oceanclans, we share this stream but the territory across it is their territory, so make sure you don't cross the scent line." Spiritcloud meowed seriously. Lilypaw nodded her head and they started to head toward camp.

Suddenly, Lilypaw let out yelp, a thorn was stuck in her pad. "Ouch!" She whimpered. "That hurts!"

"Don't worry, I'll pull it out, stay still this may hurt." Spiritcloud warned and then stuck the thorn between her teeth and pulled it out. Blood started to well from where the thorn had been.

"Its bleeding!" Lilypaw cried out.

"Oh hush, just lick your pad until the bleeding stops." Spiritcloud rolled her eyes.

"Okay.." Lilypaw began to lick her wound as the bleeding started to stop she remarked, "It feels way better now, thanks."

"No problem, but we need to head back to camp it's getting dark." Spiritcloud mewed as they padded back to camp.

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