Chapter Six

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Lilypaw padded into camp with her mentor beside her. "You did very well for your first day of training!" Exclaimed Spiritcloud. "Thanks, I really enjoyed it, my brother's probably very excited too. Speaking of Ashpaw, I see him padding into camp right now with Stonetail!" Lilypaw squealed, all of her words coming out in a mess of jumbled excitement. "Okay.. replied Spiritcloud, "But make sure you don't smother him in excitement, battle training is tomorrow." She mewed back with amusement as she watched her apprentice pad towards her brother.

"Hi Ashpaw! How was your first day of training?" Lilypaw asked, trying to contain her excitement.

"It was oka- I mean great!" Ashpaw looked as if he was hiding something but wouldn't tell Lilypaw. "Is there something your not telling me?" Lilypaw asked, but Ashpaw's gaze seemed to bore through her as if he was staring at a mouse. Lilypaw followed his gaze and saw that Ashpaw had been staring right at Leafpaw!

"Ashpaw? Why are you looking at Leafpaw like that?" She asked mischievously.

"N-no reason!" He quickly looked away from the pretty she-cat and rested his gaze back on his sister."

Maybe he likes her! It was a weird thought, but most likely the answer. She said goodbye to Ashpaw and left him standing in the clearing while she went to go chat with Yellowpaw.

"How was your first day of training?" Yellowpaw asked as he padded up to her. His amber eyes boring into her with concern.

"Good.." She mewed slowly, "But why do you seem so nervous?" Yellowpaw relaxed, "I was just worried for you, that's all. I wanted to make sure that being an apprentice was as good as you always thought it would be!" As he smiled he filled Lilypaw with happiness, Yellowpaw was her best friend and she liked to know that he was thinking about her.

"Thanks, it was a blast, Spiritcloud showed me around our territory. I didn't know there was so much land outside the hollow!" She mewed with excitement.

"That's what I thought too! I'm really excited to be able to train with you and your brother too, it's going to be awesome!" He purred.

"Yeah..." Lilypaw's mind filled with scenes of running through the forest with all her friends, she could almost smell the moss and bracken and the wind in her fur.

"Well, I better go," Yellowpaw's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Fernclaw told me that if I don't clean out Nightdust bedding, he'll claw my ears off!" He mewed and padded away. "Okay, bye Yellowpaw!" Lilypaw called after him.

Lilypaw sniffed the air as a whiff of rain scent hit her nose. I better go into the apprentices den, according to the air, were gonna have a rainstorm in no time! She thought to herself and headed toward the apprentice den. When she arrived, Ashpaw was already curled up in the farthest nest closest to the den walls. Lilypaw cuddled up beside her brother and waited for sleep to come, her mind drifted back to Yellowpaw and how he was so concerned about her. She felt a rush joy and towards her friend and thought about him as she drifted off to sleep.

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