Chapter 1: The Name Is Jung Whee In

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Jung Whee In stood outside the mansion of the Ahn family. She was no stranger to this place, but it seems that her soon to be boss is. She checked the time on her watch. It's been minutes since she passed the gates and gained access to where she was standing. She ran her fingers through her hair and fixed herself. Moments later, a car entered through the gates. Whee In was on alert now.

A fit lady wearing a black suit with her pink hair down got out of the car. Whee In raised her brows. She knew this lady and approached her slowly as she was heading to the door. The lady saw her too and gave her an acknowledging smile.

" Oh, Whee In. What brings you here? It's been a long time since I saw you here" the lady said as she embraced Whee In who found the welcoming gesture uncomfortable. The lady must've noticed it because she instantly let go of her.

"It's good to see you here, Yong. I'm here to take care of things. Actually, could you... Do me a favor? I am still a soldier but-"

"Sure thing" Yong replied with a smile which caught Whee In off guard. She didn't think Yong would do someone with a lower rank a favor.

"Well, can you tell the boss that someone wants to meet her?"

"So you're here for Hyejin, I see. Okay. I'll be right back then" Yong said as she opened the door.

After a few minutes, Yong was back outside. She had a relaxed smile and behind her was a lady with dark purple hair. 'Moon Byul-i -Moonstar,​ the devil associate' Whee​ In​ thought. She stood firm and looked at Moon who was annoyingly taller than her. Next to Moon was another lady. She had black hair and a very feminine body. Somehow Whee In could guess that this lady was her soon to be boss, and that she was bored based on her expression.

"So, Yongsun. Where's this Jung Whee In you're talking about? I could've just talked to her in the office, you know."

Yong simply came closer to Whee In and held both her shoulders as if presenting her to Hyejin.

Whee In cleared her throat as she saw Hyejin's facial expression change from a little shocked to smirking.

"You're Jung Whee In? You're tinier than I expected" Hyejin said as she looked Whee In up and down. What she said irked Whee In. She was only about a centimeter shorter than this woman.

"Don't underestimate her, Hyejin. Dynamites come in small packages" Yong smiled.

Whee In just inhaled as calmly as she can. She couldn't even decide if what Yong said was a compliment or an insult. Whee In then noticed the way Moonstar was looking at her. It was a glare, a silent warning to anyone.

"Well, Jung Whee In. Maybe we should talk about why you're here. Just come to my office" Hyejin trotted back inside the mansion with Moonstar following behind her. Yongsun also followed suit, signaling Whee In to follow her.

Whee In quickly followed. As soon as she stepped inside the mansion, memories came flooding. Nothing has really changed - maybe except for the fact that the head of the family is dead. The mansion's floor was still hardwood. The windows and lamps were still the same. The living room still had the same rug and couches, and the staircase which led upstairs to the bedrooms and the office was still the same.

Hyejin entered the office first, then calmly sat down and would have put her feet up in the desk, had it not been for Moonstar who looked at her as if saying a firm no. Hyejin decided to cross her legs instead as Moonstar stood to her right and the other two came in.

Yong still had her usual resting smile face as Whee In stood before Hyejin.

"Well sit down, Ms. Jung" Hyejin gestured to the chair to the left, in front of the desk.

Whee In does as she's told and sits down with her legs together and her back straight. Yong moves closer to Moonstar who now had an unreadable expression.

"So why are you here, exactly? I want to hear it from you" Hyejin asks.

"I'm here to become your personal bodyguard. Here" Whee In replied as she hands Hyejin a piece of paper from her suit's pocket.

"What is this for?" Hyejin opens her mouth but immediately goes quiet as soon as she realizes that it is from her late father.


To Hyejin-ah, my daughter who is as beautiful as a flower:

I am sorry. I have given my best to become a good father to you and give you everything, but it seems that my best is not enough. I am no saint and I have done a lot of terrible things in my life. There is blood in my hands and I do not wish the same for you. Which is why I will give you the freedom to choose the life you want to have- a choice I was never able to make. Regardless of the choice you make, I can only ask you to take in the lady in front of you. She is Jung Whee In. She is the daughter of an old friend of mine who gave his life to protect me. Like her father, Whee In is fearless. I have ordered her that should the time come that I am gone, she must come to you. I guess the time must have come if you are reading this. I know you don't really know Whee In, but I trust her and I trust that she will protect you with her life. Everything is up to you now, my daughter. The family is in your hands, and you can turn it around if you want. I will always be proud of you, my daughter.

Mr. Ahn


Hyejin finished reading the letter and closed it with a sigh. She looked at Whee In and spoke, "I trust my father's words. And it is true that I do not know you while my father does. How come?"

"I have been doing odd jobs for the family since my father died. I have accompanied your father several times, but never when he is with you" Whee In says.

"The rest of the family knows about Whee In. Except for you and Moon" Yong adds.

Moonstar exhales before saying "Shortly before he died, Mr. Ahn has told me that someone will come and become your body guard. He didn't give me a name but it seems that he meant Ms. Jung."

" What? How? When? I thought you were supposed to be my guard..." Hyejin was confused as she turns to Moonstar.

"I'll discuss it with you later" Moon firmly says.

"Fine" Hyejin sighs.

Hyejin now turns to Whee In who was quietly sitting. She tries to read her but there was something in Whee In that gave off an ambiguous feeling. She decided to brush it off.

"We'll talk later, Ms. Jung. Yongsun, please take her to the quarters" Hyejin orders.

"Of course" Yong smiles widely before leaving Moonstar's side and approaching Whee In who stood up to follow her.

Yongsun opens the door and closes it after Whee In.

" We need to talk Moon" Yong overhears this as she closes the door but shakes off the curiosity, knowing it was a personal matter. She looks over to Whee In who was silently following her. Yong smiles. She found Whee In cute now as she noticed the height difference.

Whee In meets Yong's eyes but looks away and keeps walking. After her first meeting with the family's new head, she wasn't trying to expect anything, especially with the different ways Hyejin looked at her earlier.

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