Chapter 5: You Drive

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Eyes... Looking like those of a predator ready to take down its prey.


Whee In opened her eyes and almost jumped out of the bed. She reached for her phone which she had put on the top of the nightstand beside her bed. She checked the time. It was 5 in the morning. She opened her phone. As soon as she does, a message from Yong immediately pops up saying 'Good morning, Whee! I hope you have a nice day and don't forget to smile ☺.'

This made Whee In blink twice but she was more curious as to how Yong knew her number than she was shocked that Yong would do something like this. It did help a little though, as Whee In was reminded that she needs to ready herself for the worst. She got up and got off her bed. She stretched out a little, worked out and cleaned herself. Not long after that, she was well on her way to the Ahn family mansion with her things at the trunk of her car.

She reached the place and patiently waited for the gates to be opened. Now Whee In finally pointed it out. What she noticed yesterday but she couldn't accurately describe. The place had somehow, loosened up, but at the same time it had become more serious than before. Probably due to the leadership change and recent events.

Once inside the mansion's premises, she got off the car and started to take her things out. Fortunately, Yong was already up in a casual attire. Yong happily approaches Whee In and offers to help.

The two then carry on and after a while had moved Whee In's things to the quarters. And of course, Moonstar was already there, dressed in the usual black suit without a tie. Whee In arranges her stuff and Yong casually tells Whee In with a wide smile, "How about you go wake up the boss, Whee In? It's your first day as bodyguard, after all."

"Agreed" even the usually silent Moonstar supports Yong's suggestion.

Whee In exhaled and replied "Sure, why not?" despite not feeling like it. Because now that she thought about it, it did seem like something was off with Moon and Hyejin yesterday, and it made Whee In think more that they probably asked her to do this on purpose. She agreed to do it anyway.

While walking across the living room of the house, she realized that she didn't exactly know where Hyejin's room was. She had only been near Mr. Ahn's room in the past. She rolled her eyes. It looks like she was gonna have to figure things out on her own, like she always does.

All of a sudden, Whee In bumps into someone. Whee In instantly figures out it was someone taller, and she looked up. It was a guy who had messy blonde hair and the first three buttons of his shirt opened. He was obviously on his phone and he looked down.

"I'm sorry. Didn't really notice you there... I'm Jackson by the way. You okay?" the guy introduces himself and tries to check on Whee In.

Whee In didn't need to be a wizard to know that this guy drank. He was quite literally breathing alcohol.

"I'm okay", Whee In replies. She also took the opportunity to ask, "If you don't mind, could you tell me where Ms. Ahn's room is?"

"Oh. Hwasa's room? Sure thing. I was just there, so-" Jackson covered his mouth before he could say anything more.

"Oops. Sorry. TMI" he laughed.

Now Whee In wasn't exactly sure how to react to this guy. He seemed like too much of a morning person to her.

"But yeah, if you go upstairs, the room to the right of the office is Hwasa's bedroom. And by the way, if she asks anything about me, just tell her I already went home", Jackson says to which Whee In nods. The two then continuing walking in opposite directions, with Jackson heading out of the house and Whee In going upstairs.

Once Whee In was in front of the door to Hyejin's room, she quickly warned herself to be patient. She then twisted the door knob slowly, expecting an unexplainable sort of danger to her existence. But she was actually surprised.

There were a few clothes on the floor, but other than that, it was pretty clean. She approached the bed with caution and walked silently to the left side. Now she was genuinely caught off guard with how Hyejin was sleeping peacefully with her body tucked under a blanket. Whee In was about to tap Hyejin's shoulder to wake her up when Hyejin turns to Whee In's direction, causing the blanket to fall off of her, revealing the fact that she was wearing nothing but a nightgown - and with the straps off her shoulders.

Whee In panicked a bit, for a reason she didn't understand. She took a step back and was about to take another step back, when all of a sudden, Hyejin pulls her down. This causes Whee In to lose balance and unintentionally fall on top of Hyejin. This of course, leads to Hyejin opening her eyes and rolling to the other side of the bed, ending up with her being on top of Whee In and having control of her arms, pinning her down. Hyejin looked at Whee In like she could kill her in a second, with the sunlight highlighting her deadly eyes more.

However, Whee In wasn't threatened. Right then, Hyejin was looking deadly and had total control of the situation, but all Whee In could think of was 'Those eyes again...' as she gulped.

It took a couple of seconds before Hyejin finally became fully awake and realized what she was doing. She instantly let go of Whee In who cleared her throat and immediately got off the bed. Hyejin then holds her head. She still felt a little hungover from last night. She looked at Whee In, still not being able to fully process what she even did earlier. "What time is it?" she asked Whee In who fixed herself.

"It's six in the morning" Whee In shortly replies.

"Damn it... Why are you here this early... Where's Jackson?"

"He went home" Whee In answered as Hyejin groaned.

"Get ready. We're going somewhere today. Tell the other two. I'll meet you downstairs once I get ready. And for the record, you'll be driving", Hyejin says.

Whee In simply obeyed Hyejin and then left the room quietly. She runs her fingers through her black hair and sighed. She was right. Between what Hyejin did earlier and how she ordered her to be the driver without forewarning, Ahn Hyejin was really a force of nature. So breathtakingly deadly and predictably unpredictable.

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