The Last Moments (end)

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Fact that the last pic in this book is a real unedited pic lol

Fast forward (I'm sorry)
Namjoon pov

So.. this is truly happening huh..
this might sound cheesy but.. we might still communicate with our fans, probably will be remembered and will probably be recorded in the history. But we will never sing and perform on stages as a group together ever again. 20 years past by so fast. Especially the last 10 years went by in seconds. Probably because we had kids and were so caught up with families and work. But now it's time to leave this life we trained our asses for. 6 years of training for 20 years of idol life. 26 years on this dream..We'll definitely continue working with other brands and modeling to keep up with our professional life. But still.. all these world tours, recording songs at 3am, filming music videos without any sleep for days, adjusting with each other facing hardships together. It will be missed.

Right now we are in California, LA. We decided to finish our idol journey here. Right where we held the biggest record in the Kpop industry.
First ever Kpop group to ever headline and perform at Coachella. At this moment we are finishing our last and final tour. "The End" tour.

Every country we performed in for this tour we let out few tears when giving out our final speeches.

We all separately finished our solo song performance and We are getting our quick change and retouch as the dancers give a show. Our final outfits for today are classic Korean hanbok. Yes we are in California. But we truly wanna remind everyone where we exactly started from. And our cultures. Even tho Lisa is the only foreign member she still embraces our culture like her own. She earlier today had a traditional Thai concept for her solo performance.

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We performed our few singles and then sang our encore songs

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We performed our few singles and then sang our encore songs.

After our last song "Stay" was over all the light started to fade away, a random video started to play on the big screen which caught our attention. It was our practice videos from trainee days. Around 26 year old clips were being played.
One of after was played and soon our debut behind the scenes were shown. Then our most memorable achievements and finally as it continued to our today's performance was shown. It was an whole 10 minute video. I felt something on my lips and touched it. It was my tears. I was crying before I even noticed. I looked to my side and all of the members were crying. Even Yoongi and Jisoo.. yk it's bad when they cry

One by one all of us gave a small speech since we didn't have much time.

Things got emotions even more as they continued to give sad speeches sharing how hard they worked to get this high and now it's time to let it all go.

After each of them finished their speeches they all stood in a straight line. From behind suddenly Jihyo, Momo and Chaeyoung walked in. They all stood beside their husbands. Suddenly all their kids walked in the stages. The kids stood in a straight line front of their parents and put each others arms around the shoulders.
The parents were surprised and chuckled, the adults continued to put each others arms around the shoulders and stood on the stage lift.


The fans could be seeing screaming and crying their lungs out. And then the stage lift went down.. and all lights faded away.

And just like that the story of this beautiful group and family ended.

They will be remembered forever. Even after death. 11 true legends and icons.

You can try being the W's
But there will never be another W.

You can't outdo the doer.

The W's

The End..

This is my first book ever. This will probably not be that much loved due to me not being an experienced author and grammar errors. But hey u had a fun time writing this. And I'm happy I'm publishing it. I'm fine with even only one person reading my book it gives me happiness:) if I pop up with new ideas I'll probably work on a new book but for now that's it! You guys can check out my reading list if you guys enjoy horror/mysterious books about bangpink! Whoever you are be safe and I love you <3

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