Chapter 1.

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"Jungkookieeeee!" Taehyung's deep voice chirped right as I heard a knock on my studio door, jostling me out of my sleep. I rubbed my face, feeling the indentations from the piano.

With a groan, I stood up, waddling towards the door, and opening it a crack. My desire for peace and quiet was soiled when Taehyung burst in with a six pack of beer.

"I had a feeling you needed to loosen up!" He set down the drink container, grabbing a bottle and popping the lid off before placing it in my hand. He opened one for himself before sitting on the couch against the wall. "How is the recording coming?"

I sighed, sitting next to him on the couch. "I just feel like something is missing, and I can't figure it out."

Taehyung hummed, taking a sip of his beer. "Can I hear? Maybe give some insight to what I think you could add?"

My cheeks warmed up at his suggestion. "Um... I don't know. It's a little... I just am not sure."

"Why not?" He pouted, making me blush even more.

"Um, well... the song is basically about fucking," I admitted, downing the rest of my beer before reaching for another.

Taehyung chuckled, seemingly unbothered. "So? We're both adults. I would've heard the song when it's released anyways, so why not let me help you get it to where you're happy with it?"

I pondered his question before releasing a breath. "Fine." I took another sip of beer before standing up to turn on the track.

He listened intently, nodding his head as he listened. I fiddled with my fingers, unable to look directly at him.

When the track finished, we sat in silence for an uncomfortable minute until I cleared my throat.

He shook his head, like he was coming out of a daze before he sat up straighter on the couch. Taehyung crossed his legs, sipping on his beer before also clearing his throat.

"What if you added a few background vocals in the verses?" He asked suddenly, making me tilt my head.

"How would you sing them?" I retorted, curious what mh hyung would do.

He readjusted himself again, motioning for me to turn the track on again.

As it played, he added a few background vocals throughout to test them. As he experimented, I found myself admiring his profile. His perfect jaw. His almond eye. The beautiful curve of his nose. The way his hair fell stunningly on the curve of his cheek-

"Jungkook-ah?" He asked, bringing me back to reality. "I think something like that could work well. Want to try?"

I nodded, going back to the beginning, trying my hand at adding a few of the background vocals. When I sang the first one, Taehyung's head nodded.

"That's it!" He encouraged, smile on his lips. "Keep that vibe going and I think you'll have a massive hit."

"You really think so?" I asked, meeting his eyes for the first time in a while.

When his eyes met mine, he smirked. "Who would've thought our little Jungkookie, who we practically raised, would write such a song."

I cleared my throat, shaking my head. "I-I didn't write it..."

He nodded, looking away. I couldn't help but notice a slight red tint on the apples of his cheeks.

"What's on your mind, Taehyungie?" I questioned.

He refused to meet my eyes. "Nothing."

I scoffed. "I know you better than that. It's been over ten years after all. What's up? Is there something wrong with the song?"

Taehyung shook his head. "N-Nothing wrong with the song." He took a large gulp from his beer, tossing the bottle into the trash can next to him. "The song just makes me wonder..."

I scooted closer to him on the couch, my knee touching his knee. "Wonder about... what?"

His eyes finally met mine, unwariness in his irises. "Wonder what it would feel like."

I furrowed my eyebrows, my head naturally tilting slightly to the side. "I'm confused."

Taehyung sighed, patting his hands on his thighs before he stood up. "Don't worry, Jungkookie. It would be best to not find out for sure anyways."

My mind was raveling with ways to understand until it clicked, making me stand up to be next to him.

My heart pounded inside my chest.

He was my hyung.

My favorite hyung.

He's the one I have always felt a special connection with. I never knew what to call it, but the way I felt for him was unlike how I felt about anyone else.

Jimin had asked me once if I was in love with Taehyung. At the time, I couldn't comprehend an answer. He was my bandmate!

But now...

"I should head back to the dorm," Taehyung spoke, his deep voice arising me from my thoughts. He began to walk towards the door, being stopped by my hand on his chest.

"Please, wait." I closed my eyes, embracing his racing heartbeat against my palm. "I-Were you wondering what I think you were wondering about?"

He shrugged, eyes looking anywhere but my face.

"Tae, look at me." I commanded, facing him straight on.

He shook his head, gnawing on his bottom lip.

"Why won't you?"

He sighed, eyes staring at the artwork on the walls. "Because if I do I know I'll want to kiss you."

The thought of kissing Taehyung sent a wave of excitement through my veins.

I felt my lips curve into a smirk. "And what if I want you to kiss me, hmm?"

He hesitated for a moment, until he cupped my face and pressed his lips against mine in one-fell swoop.


Yet another story because I'm the definition of ADHD lmao

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