Chapter 3.

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It had been a week.

A week since Jungkook and I hooked up in his studio.

A week of secret touches in between rehearsals.

A week of late night kisses.

And a week of my mind overthinking our actions.

We were bandmates, best friends, practically family! But most of all... we hadn't discussed what our hook up meant.

I bet he just has been horny and needing an outlet.

That's what my overthinking brain would keep telling me, at least.

I tossed my duffle bag against the wall with a sigh, immediately spotting the pair of raised eyebrows from Jimin next to me.

"Uh, Tae? You good?" He asked quietly, looking over his shoulder to ensure no one else could hear.

I nodded, not trusting my voice.

He opened his mouth to respond, only for Namjoon's voice to echo off the dance studio's walls. "Alright fuckers, it's time to dance!"

Several members chuckled at our leader's way of getting us all lined up.


"Taehyungie!" Jungkook called, running down the hallway to catch up to me. "Tae, wait up!"

With a sigh, I stopped, feeling him bump into my back and almost knock me over. He caught me in his hands and stood us back up straight before he spun me around so we were eye to eye.

"Hey, Tae," He panted. "You left so fast when they called break."

"I had to pee," I responded immediately, like I had the answer planned out in my head. Which, to be frank, I did.

Jungkook quirked up an eyebrow as a pout formed on his lips. He placed his hand on my bicep, only for me to shake it off. "Taehyung, talk to me. What's wrong?"

What's wrong?

What's wrong is that I feel so utterly disgusted with myself.

His touch burned my skin as I thought back to our intimate time together.

I feel like his own personal whore, being summoned by him at his own will and desire.

My face must've worn a wide array of emotions, as he searched the hallway with a pout before finding an empty storage closet, motioning for me to come with him.

Reluctantly, I did.

The storage closet had one small lightbulb over our heads, painting shadows along the walls and his face as he turned to look at me after locking the door.

My knees felt weak, causing me to slide my back down the wall until I made contact with the floor, burying my head into my knees. A long, racking sob escaped my lips, shoulders beginning to shake.

I could hear Jungkook coming closer, sitting next to me against the wall. He placed a comforting hand near my curved elbow, causing me to readjust to avoid the burning from his skin.

As his hand dropped, I heard sigh.

"Tae, please, I want to help. What is making you so upset? W-Why do you not wanting me to touch you?"

My throat felt on the verge of closing up, though my mind blamed the crying.

I lifted my head up, my chin resting on my knees.

I let out a long sigh, eyes refusing to look in Jungkook's direction as they found a spot on the wall.

"What are we, Jungkook?"

A few seconds passed before he answered, voice quiet. "I-Um, in terms of...?"

I scoffed, looking at him with an annoyed expression on my face. It was the first time I genuinely looked at him this whole conversation.

His lips formed an 'O' as he nodded. "In terms of that."

I hummed, looking away again.

Jungkook released a rush of air before adjusting himself so he sat up straighter against the wall. "Honestly, Tae, these feelings for you... I have had them for so long, but I never anticipated acting on them. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing, you're amazing, but I'm just confused about the situation right now. W-We're bandmates, I don't want anything between us to cause tension within the group, but God, do I want us to do, and be, more."

"It already has caused tension in the group, Jungkook."

I saw him nod in my periphery. "You're right."

"Maybe we should-"

"Maybe we should-"

We both started at the same time, causing us to chuckle. It was our first time genuinely laughing in each other's presence in a week since everything started.

He motioned with his hand for me to go first, making me swallow the lump in my throat.

"I was going to say... maybe we should stop."

"Oh," He said, the breath obviously rushing out of him. "Um, why do you say that?"

I shrugged. "It would just be easier. No conflict affecting the group, and we can just go back to how we were before."

"What if I don't want to go back to that?" Jungkook asked, raising his eyes to meet mine.

I took a brief pause, processing his question, allowing him the time to continue talking.

"I don't think I can go back to how we were after feeling how amazing you felt around me, Tae. Feeling your lips on my skin, it was all otherworldly."

My skin tingled, fire coursing through my veins, but in a way it never has for Jungkook.

I stood up, fists clenched by my sides. He quickly jumped up next to me, obviously startled by my suddenness.

"Is that all it was for you? A good fuck?" I asked him bluntly, tears threatening to fall.

His eyebrows furrowed. "Tae, no, that all came out wrong. I-"

He reached out to touch my arm, making me jump back.

"Don't touch me. This is why I wanted to end things. I feel like your own personal whore, and I was letting it happen this last week out of love for you, but I can't handle feeling so... disgusting." At the last word, a sob slipped past my lips, my heart aching as the words finally came out.

In the moment, I leaned my head against Jungkook's chest, needing support to continue standing on my own feet.

As his arms wrapped around me, they no longer burned my skin, but, rather, they brought comfort. The weight of saying those words forced us together again.

After a few moments of silence in each other's arms, Jungkook sighed before pulling away. "I-If you-" he paused, jaw clenching. "If you need us to stop, t-then we'll stop."

Before I could respond, he walked out of the storage closet, disappearing down the hallway before I could see where he went.



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