Chapter 6.

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With a huff, I knocked on the studio door, double checking that my shoes were tucked nicely against the wall.

"Who is it?"

"Taehyungie," I replied, hearing a faint "come in" quickly after.

I closed the door to the studio behind me, coming face to face with the man I have been not wanting to talk with for a few days now.

"Hello hyung," I spoke, walking towards his couch to sit down, leaning forward so my elbows rested on my knees.

"You don't typically visit. You either need advice or are here to stir the pot. Which is it?" Yoongi asked casually, eyes not looking away from the computer in front of him. He must be working on a new song, since his screen was full of music production software.

I sighed, knowing I came here with a goal in mind. "Let's talk about Hoseok."

He raised an eyebrow. "What about Hoseok?"

With a scoff, I threw my arms up in the air. "Are you that careless or are you just dumb?"

He finally stopped his meanderings on the computer and turned to face me in his chair. His eyes wore a mixture of anger and another emotion I couldn't identify.

"You watch your mouth, Taehyung. I am your hyung."

"Well then act like it!" My voice increased in volume. I took in a deep breath to bring the volume back to a normal range, frustration coarsing through my veins.

He stood up, making me stand up with him. He took a few steps until he was standing right in my face. "You should stay out of this, Taehyung. I'm warning you."

"I hear your warning and I'm not taking it." I ensured my eyes looked directly into his. I saw a slight uneasiness behind his irises. "Did you not put two and two together when Hoseok ran out of the room after you ensured there would never be any feelings?"

His tense posture dropped, his body slouching back into his chair. "I did. Trust me, I did."

"Then what the hell, Yoongi?"

He gnawed on his bottom lip, eyes wandering to look anywhere except my face. "I- It all started out as sexual release, okay?"

"I understand. Jungkook and I kind of started that way too. Sure, we had feelings for the other since we met basically, but when we started messing around it was purely sexual. That's not really an excuse to hurt Hobi."

He hung his head low. "I'd never want to hurt Hobi. I-I love him."

My eyebrows furrowed at his confession, but then a small smile formed on my lips. "You love him?"

Yoongi nodded, still avoiding my eyes.

"Than what's the problem?" I asked, tilting my head.

He finally met my eyes, just for me to see the streaks of a few tears on his cheeks. "I-I'm so scared, Tae."

I knelt down on the floor in front of him and wiped his tears. "I know, Yoongi. Love is scary, but let me tell you. The way the pressure was lifted off the second we confessed... it's worth being scared."

He nodded, no words leaving his mouth.

Right as I went to speak again, there was a knock on the door before the door was thrown open. Hoseok rushed in with wide eyes, still wet cheeks full of tear stains.

"Oh. Hi, Taehyung. Um, what are you doing here?" He asked, scratching at his nape.

I stood up, watching Yoongi did the same. "I was just having a chat with Yoongi."

Hoseok nodded, still looking not well put together. "I need to talk to you, Yoongi."

I stepped back into the corner, earning weird looks from both of them.

I held my hands up. "Sorry to make it awkward, but I am here to ensure that what needs to be said, gets said. A mediator, if you will."

They both looked hesitant before Yoongi finally cleared his throat. "I don't think I will say what I need to say without Tae here." He glanced at me with a small smile. "He gave me the strength I needed."

Hoseok seemed to settle at this. "I would like to speak first. I-This whole week I have felt so empty, like I have nothing to live for. I thought maybe I was just going through a depression episode until it hit me what the trigger was. You saying I was 'just a hole' in front of our band mates. I'm not going to lie, Yoongi, that hurt. It hurt so damn bad because whether or not you like it, I have developed feelings for you. Deep feelings. And I have to tell you that I can't continue being fuck buddies. It causes me too much pain." He took a deep breath after finishing, looking up to gauge Yoongi's reaction.

"Hoseok," Yoongi spoke, instantly filling the pause. He grabbed Hoseok's hands in his. "I'm sorry I hurt you. Truth is, I was scared. I was not only scared that you wouldn't reciprocate how I feel, but I was even more scared of my own feelings. Never have I felt so deeply about someone." He paused for dramatic effect. "Hoseok, I no longer want to be fuck buddies either. I want you to be my partner, my significant other, my boyfriend, because I am in love with you."

"Oh," Hoseok practically gasped before he smiled. "I love you too, Yoongi. I, um, well, I am also in love with you."

Before their lips touched each other's I stepped forward, giving them each a clap on the back. "My work here is done. Now, keep in mind that these rooms are soundproofed, but not fully. Also, uh, might I recommend the couch?" Yoongi shoved me out the door, locking it behind him. "Okay, you two have fun!" I shouted with a chuckle, turning on my heel and walking down the hall while whistling a song I had been listening to earlier.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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