12 | Aurora

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My life was completely screwed, and even knowing it, I couldn't do anything to fix it.

My encounter with the Grogan brothers yesterday was a major part of this, but the most important role was played by none other than an impudent jerk.

Jade Grogan.

I hated myself for becoming so weak in front of him every time he was around. His mere presence was enough for my knees to get weak. I couldn't help but get drawn toward him. But that was only because of the feelings he was hiding behind that playboy aura.

All of us wear several masks to deal with our past, present, or future. Some wear the genuine ones, which are acceptable in society, and some wear the complete opposite.

Jade belonged to the latter group. I did say yes to being his therapist, not because I was intrigued by the way he challenged me yesterday, but because I remember certain things that took place while I was with him. The cut marks, the looks he was giving to Christian, and the way Christian behaved guiltily while we talked about Jade.

"Careful, little lamb, or I might think you already have a crush on me."

These words kept repeating in my head, taunting me again and again. It was as if my heart was continuously declining all these things that I was feeling for him, but my brain always slapped me with reality.

Maybe Jade was again trying to push me away, as he did to all of his therapists before. But whatever the reason, I have to stand my ground.

He was a devil in disguise and would do everything in his power to possess me, but I must never give in, because if I did, even for the slightest, there would be no turning back.

"Auri, you don't really have to do it," Rachel said on the phone as I told her about all the drama that happened yesterday. "If you feel unsafe, just pack your bags and come back. The hospital will handle the rest."

"Well, that's the point, Rach." I spoke as I sighed: "I never really felt unsafe, not even in the slightest."

It was true. Jade was definitely intimidating, but he never did anything that would make me uncomfortable.

"Are you sure about that Jerk Grogan?" Rachel asked; she was also concerned for me after the brutally honest description I gave her about Jade.

I remembered everything again that I had noticed about him and around him, and I was definitely sure about him right now.

If I hadn't met him before yesterday, at that night when we both had no idea who we were, I would have said no to all of this to Christian yesterday without a second thought. But that night, I saw the real him-the vulnerable him who is desperately wanting someone to see him and accept him the way he is, with all the perfections and imperfections about him.

"I am sure about one thing, Rachel," I said with a pause, "That he still needs someone to talk to, whether it's therapy or not, and that's what our profession is for. Besides, I still have three days for the trial sessions, and I have to conduct them for presenting a report in front of the Grogans and the hospitals even If I reject being his therapist."

"True. But if he ever did anything fishy, just chop his balls and feed them to his brothers. That would serve all of them right." she said, "Better call me as well; I will come there, and we both can do the right thing."

"Rachel, you really need to have an adult warning for your explicit content." I said, and we both laughed.

"Did you tell Mother about all this?" she asked.

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