24 | Jade

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Aurora wants to know everything about me, and I know that she isn't going to give up on that thought until and unless I give her at least a piece of my past. She isn't wrong, though. She opened up about her PTSD to me, even if it was just a one-line statement, but I know it would have meant a lot for her to tell me that. But I am afraid of what would happen if she knew even a fragment of what I am hiding from her.

Moreover, what is she going to think about me after that?

 "Is this your defense mechanism?"

She must have sensed my ignorance about talking about this topic as she came outside the study and walked straight into the living room where I was. I still had my back facing her while she stood behind the couch where I was seated, but I can still feel the heat of her glare at the back of my neck.

"A defense what now?" I turned my head around and looked at her.

"Your way of avoiding situations where you don't feel comfortable" She replied.

I thinned my lips. "I am not avoiding anything."

Staring at me, she took a deep breath. "If you want to do this the hard way," She muttered and made her way to the couch opposite mine before getting seated on it. I rolled my eyes and got up, starting to leave from there.

"Come back and sit down, Jade."

My legs stopped moving the second I heard her stern voice. I turn around and match her glare with mine, but she didn't even blink.

"I am not doing this-"

"I said. Sit. Down." She demanded.

Amusement filled my eyes, and I arched a brow while looking at her. The corner of my lips twitched, and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to stop the smirk that was daring to appear on my face.

"So now you are ordering me around?" I mocked.

"When it's you, yes I can."

Fuck, she looks so sexy.

I grinned. "You are supposed to be my therapist." I sit again on the couch while looking at her. "But you look more like an interrogating officer."

"I would become anything according to how you behave." She glared.

"It's good to know that you like role-playing." I replied.

She definitely understood what I mean, as I saw a hint of nervousness and desire in those ocean-blue eyes for a second before it disappeared. She composed herself again, and I licked my lips slowly in a teasing manner while looking at her.

"Let's start with your childhood and parents." She cleared her throat. "And any friends?"

"So, you are into role-playing," I smirked. "Playing as an interrogating officer, indeed."

"I am just trying to look through you." She sighed. "And for that, I need to know you as a whole."

Leaning back on the couch, my eyes remained on her, and her soft yet commanding gaze was on me. She was really not going to give up on this whole 'knowing me' situation, and honestly, I don't want to hide anything about me from her as well. But things like this always takes time, no matter how much you trust the other person.

"I can't just tell you everything in one go." I averted my eyes away from her for a second, trying to get through this as much as I could. "I need time, if you understand what I mean."

"I am always here for you, Jade." Her eyes were filled with care and support. "Always right by your side, as long as you want me."

We kept our eyes fixed on each other. Her confidence in me has always been my strength and weakness. It always made me drawn to her, no matter how hard I tried to avoid that feeling. She really doesn't know the hold she has on me.

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