35 | Jade

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The amount of travelling and stress I had been under these past few days caused my body to become weary. However, I exhaled a breath of relief as soon as I arrived at my apartment building, and now that I'm standing in my apartment, all of my tiredness appears to have disappeared.

I possessed a calming sense of peacefulness that I could never get from anywhere else just by thinking about seeing Aurora again and feeling her presence in my home.

This was something I wanted to keep to myself forever.

"Have some water, my dear." As soon as I walk in, Dorothy gives me a glass of water, and I sit down on the living room couch with Adrian.

"Thank you." I say, and she smiles pleasantly back at me and gets back to work. I look at Adrian, who has a book in his hand, and take a sip from the glass. "How is she now?"

He looks at me before placing the bookmark on the page he was reading and closing it. "She is doing good, except." His lips thinned. "She has been asking about you every day. I think you should tell her everything.

"Not now." I slouch against the couch, tipping my head back and rolling my shirt sleeves. "First, let her fully recover. She has endured a lot."

Everything that had happened that evening, the realization that I were reading her journal, my sudden leaving, and Rachel and her mother's leaving yesterday. She couldn't manage everything at once, and she wouldn't feel any less anxious if she found out about Liam right now.

"I don't know what happened with her, but I guess you are right." Adrian replies.

I scan the living room. "Where's Nick?"

"He left to take up some work related to his restaurant. He intends to open one in this province of Quebec." Adrian moves off the sofa. "I'm going to leave for work now. After my flight to Edmonton tomorrow, Christian will also be here. And the media announcement has also been made for the deal that you had done with Martell Couture."

"Adrian?" My voice calls out to him again before he could leave, he lifts his brow after looking at me. "Please make sure it works."

He sighs. "Jade, I promise to try my hardest, but what if that Liam guy doesn't crack? We can't seem to rule out such possibility."

"But we can overcome that." I straighten up and turn to face Adrian. "Begin by emptying the assets and gradually donate every item of the Martell Couture. That is the only way that will get him to follow our instructions." The tension that was gone a moment ago seeps back into me. "Make him so helpless that the only way he can see is to do what we want him to do, Adrian, but I want my plan to work at all costs."

I had gone this far in wrecking Liam's life, and now all I had to do was get Aurora the justice she genuinely deserves. I am not failing at it in any manner.

Adrian nods to me, puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder, and walks away.

I make my way to the kitchen and find Dorothy cleaning the shelf. "Did she eat something?"

Dorothy looks across at me. "She did indeed eat breakfast this morning, sweetheart, but her demeanor is unhappy. She always gently dismissed my attempts to speak with her."

Dorothy was unaware of the events that occurred on Christian's birthday. She was just informed that Aurora wasn't feeling well.

"Is she in her room?" I ask.

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