"Ugh, you are so annoying!" An eight year old Sophie shouted.
"Oh please, have you looked in a mirror?" Axton fired back. Sophie huffed as she pushed her short brown locks from her face.
"Dacre, keep your annoying friend out of my room!" Sophie turned to her slightly older stepbrother. When Sophie and Dacre were both five, Dacre about to turn six, Sophie's mom and Dacre's dad got married. Sophie loved her stepbrother, but he would constantly get on her nerves. Dacre loved to annoy Sophie, and he especially liked the fact that he could rub it in her face that he was three months older.
"It's not my fault Axton has no manners!" Dacre's ausie accent was defensive.
"Hey!" Axton was frustrated as he did, in fact, have manners. He just wanted to annoy Sophie.
"Just get out already!" Sophie slammed her door as they both finally left her room. Frustrated, she threw herself back onto her bed and picked up the book she was previously reading before she was so rudely interrupted by Nerf bullets. Sophie loved to read it was one of her favorite things in the world. She was currently reading Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets. When Axton saw what she was reading and started laughing at her calling her a nerd, even though he secretly enjoys the series, he had read it twice.
Sophie was just nearing the end. She was at the part where Harry finds out who Tom Riddle actually is. She had been obsessed with reading ever since she read the first book.
Axton has been annoying Sophie ever since he moved in next door and became best friends with Dacre almost instantly. Growing up anytime Axton came over, he and Sophie would have at least one argument and then ignore each other. Sophie's mom found it amusing. She would tell Sophie 'oh he just has a little crush on you he'll grow out of it eventually.'
He never did. When they were twelve, Dacre and Axton got into a huge fight over a girl and stopped talking to each other. Sophie felt bad for her stepbrother, but she was secretly pleased since that meant she wouldn't have to see Axton often anymore. Before Axton and Dacre ever got the chance to reconcile, Axton moved.
After Axton moved, Dacre became best friends with Sophie and her best friend Chloe Smith. The three of them were thick as theives. They would all watch the most outrageous or terrible movies they could find, play lacrosse in the backyard, or they would play super smash bros until three in the morning.
Freshman year of high school, Sophie and Chloe tried out for their high school lacrosse team. Sophie tried to convince Dacre to try out for the boys' team, but his grades were trash, so he refused, knowing he wouldn't be allowed to play even if he did make the team.
Sophmore year of high school, Dacre got his grades up and made the boys team. After that, he didnt hangout with Sophie and Chloe as often. They didn't mind as they made a new friend on their team. Ellie Martinez was a sweet girl, but quick to pick a fight. One of the jocks on the football team tripped Sophie, and immediately Ellie had him pinned to a wall. It was a start to a new friendship.

Dark Paradise
Teen FictionSophie and Axton never got along. When he became her Lacrosse team photographer, she never expected to see her step brothers ex best friend after their falling out. Now that he is the team photographer, she has to see him more often. It all gets wor...