This was it day two of senior tryouts. Sophie's last year of high school lacrosse. She was saddened that it was her last year. She still wasn't sure if she would be playing in college. She hadn't heard from any college scouts. It was her dream to play for New Jersey State. Honestly, she just wanted to keep playing lacrosse.
She was on her second mile before they were to start warm ups. Sophie had been playing lacrosse since she was in seventh grade. Her freshman year, she made her schools JV team, her sophomore and junior year, and she has been on varsity. She was halfway through her fith lap. Only three left.
"SAFFI!" A voice had yelled. Sophie recognized it as her stepbrother. She ignored him, she had a good flow going and she couldn't stop and mess up her time. She had to beat her time from last year. Otherwise, she would lose the bet she had going on with Marti. Ellie Martinez had already beat her time from last year, and so did Chloe Smith, known as Smithey.
Sophie couldn't be the only person to not beat her time. The bet was anyone in the trio who doesn't beat her time has to run around school wearing a shirt saying 'I simp for creeps' why this in particular Sophie didn't know. She assumed it had to do with Ellie's ex MMA coach.
Dacre kept calling Sophie's name, trying to get her attention. She just kept ignoring him. He eventually gave up and just texted her. Sophie finished her second mile, beating her time by three minutes. She felt great.
While she and the girls who had already finished their miles waited for the others to finish, Sophie pulled out her phone and read a text from Dacre. 'You won't believe who's back in town!' Sophie closed her phone, leaving Dacre on read.
"Alright, my beauties. Mile times?" Sophie and Ellie looked to Chloe. "Mine was ten thirty-two, that's six seconds faster than last year."
"Wow, six seconds." Sophie's voice was laced with sarcasm.
"I know pretty big difference." Chloe spoke while pretending to flip her hair behind her shoulder.
"Mine was ten nineteen. Two minutes faster." Ellie answered. Sophie let out a sigh.
"Oh, Saffi darling, what is bothering you, my sweaty friend." Chloe joked.
"I just ran -" Sophie paused for dramatic effect. "Two miles in eleven minutes -" she paused again as she sighed and looked at the ground. Ellie was about to smack her. Chloe frowned, thinking Sophie lost the little bet they had going. She was hoping none of them would lose.
"And?" Ellie gave her the look she gives everyone when she's impatient and about to smack you upside the head.
"That's three minutes faster than last year!" She shouts a proud smirk adorning her features. Chloe sighed in relief.
"Saffi, you almost gave me a heart attack!" Chloe was smiling. "I'm so glad none of us will have to wear the shirt!"
"Calm down, Smithey." Chloe was bouncing up and down. "I wouldn't have actually made you guys wear it."
"Marti, you are full of crap." Ellie laughed at Sophie's comment.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever."
Their conversation came to an end when their head coach Sarah blew her whistle, signaling that everyone was done running their miles.
"Alright ladies! I hope you all have stretched. We don't have much time, so I want you all to gear up, and we will start a couple of drills!" Everyone started putting on their cleats and getting their mouth guards and goggles out. Except Ellie, she put on her goalie gear. Ellie went off with one of the other coaches to warm up in goal.
Sarah had them all start with some partner passing and quick sticks. She then split them all into two groups. One group would be doing dog fights to work on ground balls, and the other group was doing a draw drill. The draw was how they started the game, and it decided who starts with the ball, two girls push the heads of their sticks together and when Sarah blew her whistle they would flick the ball into the air and fight for possession.
Sophie was currently in the middle of a dog fight. One of the assistant coaches tossed a ball out away from her and Chloe. When the coach said go, she and Chloe raced to the ball. Sophie managed to get to the ball first. She put her foot next to the ball and scooped it up. As she turned to run in and shoot the ball, Chloe made contact and was defending Sophie. Chloe had really strong defense skills. Sophie couldn't get around her, so she settled for faking her out. She switched hands, so she was now cradeling with her left hand. She stepped her right foot in front of Chloe and piveted off it. Swinging herself around Chloe while switching back to her right hand.
She managed to get past Chole and took a shot. Ellie managed to block her shot, keeping her from making a goal. After a couple more dog fights and switching drills a couple of times. Day two of tryouts was almost over. Sarah decided that running two miles wasn't enough. She decided that for the last ten minutes, they would do some footwork and conditioning.
Sophie didn't mind the footwork as much. She absolutely hated the conditioning. Sarah made them do some sprints across the field and back.
"Good work tonight, ladies! I will be sending out the list tonight of who made what team and positions. Tomorrow, be here at four to pick up uniforms, and then we will be practicing from five to seven. Get some sleep and drink lots of water and I will see you all tomorrow."
Sophie was exhausted. She was also very hungry. She said bye to everyone and got in her car. She knew that it was late enough that her parents and stepbrother had already eaten dinner. Sophie decided to stop at Astro Burger on her way home.

Dark Paradise
Teen FictionSophie and Axton never got along. When he became her Lacrosse team photographer, she never expected to see her step brothers ex best friend after their falling out. Now that he is the team photographer, she has to see him more often. It all gets wor...