Chapter 12 - The First Kill

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☽ ⚜ Erosvent's Pov ⚜ ☾

Erosvent could see the drooling man in his hold for what he really was. He'd been in his mind, seen the sickening things he had done to Elaina, seen what he had made her do. He would not allow this man's life to continue.

Elaina lay sobbing and broken against the darkened wall of the room. Her blank stare only proved that this piece of meat in his grasp wasn't even good for sustenance. He was nothing, a worthless excuse for a human being, a pest, the realm would be better off without him.

The human finally stirred in his grip, coming to after the assault on his mind. He was groggy and only mildly responsive as he fought to come back to himself, somewhat regaining his bearings. 

Yes, he wanted him awake for this. 

A twisted grin crept across Eros's lips, he wanted to make this bastard suffer.

"W-What did you do to me!? Did you drug me?" The human spouted as he found himself fully alert.

It didn't matter, Erosvent wasn't in a talkative mood anymore. He just wanted to see the creature's blood coating the walls and floor. An animalistic growl escaped as he reached forward, a clawed hand enchasing the human's slender neck. The audible gasp the thing made from his tight grasp only increased his excitement. What other noises would his prey make when its life was fading? He wanted to know.

Kneeling on the firm mattress of the bed once again, his vision focusing solely on the quivering animal in his hold. Then, he placed his free hand on the creature's shoulder as a second anchor, the grip on the thing's neck only tightening. It made a horrible gurgling sound as though choking on its own saliva in an attempt to breathe beneath his hold. He released it was still trying to speak, but no words escaped as its face appeared to slowly change colour, a hint of blue spreading with every passing moment.

If this light hold was crushing its wind pipe shut, just how strong was he? Curious he suddenly decided to test it. If he squeezed hard enough would this human's head pop like a grape? Or...

He pulled upwards with his hand clasping the man's throat, holding firmly onto the thing's neck while pushing down on its shoulders.

How easy would it be to detach the limb from its body? Would it even come off?

He watched as the skin began to tear, giving way to the sheer force he was applying. The elasticity of the skin gave way and the man's head detached from his body with more ease than he had imagined. The arterial spray from the severed carotid and vertebral arteries jettisoned outward, dousing Erosvent and his surroundings in a thick red liquid. The man's body fell backward onto the filthy mattress, with each beat of the heart more blood oozed until there was nothing more it could beat. There he lay a corpse, and so quickly.

He watched as the thing's eyes darted around a few times before they finally faded and stilled, interesting. Was human life always this fleeting... He felt... Powerful.

Erosvent was breathing heavily, gasping wildly for air, his hand still gripped tightly around the man's neck. Adrenaline rushed wildly through him,  a manic grin across his feathers as the metallic smell invaded his senses, it was alluring, hypnotizing, addicting.

"W-What have you done." Elaina's muttering scared voice caught his attention.

His head snapped toward her. That's right, there was another little thing in this room. Something else to play with.

She gasped, her body tensing and her eyes filling with fear.

He dropped the head he held, it bounced lightly on the ground before rolling on its side. A horrified expression, seemingly frozen in time on the corpse's face looked up at her as it gently oozed blood onto the ground.

Dreamscape - (Alarian Warriors) (First draft)Where stories live. Discover now