3 3 0

Lucille was still in shock, "Look, Its not that I am fluent with it. I enrolled myself in a Linguistic class so I'm able to understand and to speak to you." He explained.

Lucian grabbed her hand and brings her to the portrait.

"Does it seem familiar to you?" He asked. "That's me in the cathedral." Lucille manage to answer.

Lucian sighed out of relief. "I will never forget when you told me about the wishes you can make in churches."

"When I brought you to the church. I prayed and wished that I met the person I will love forever. When I went to Italy a few months ago. I went to Duomo and prayed that I meet you again because I forgot to give you something." Lucian said "You have your forehead furrowed again." He added.

Tears started to pool around Lucille's eyes. She thought that he never notice those little things.


I bought two Richard Mille 07-01 in white and black. While I was strolling around. I know, its like shooting luck against the universe but I'll try.

Time, mystical time
Cuttin' me open, then healin' me fine
Were there clues I didn't see?
And isn't it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?

"Do you know I went to Milan and got to the Duomo di Milano and make a wish." I said. The faced and in shock. "And I thought you are that one lady in front of the church."

It made Lucille think. "Hey, its September 2nd! Happy Birthday, Lucille."  greets her and took the watch I just bought in Switzerland. "Here." I gave it as a gift.

"A declaration that we are together for every second of the day. By seeing the timepiece, the owner sees their significant other every day, every hour, every minute, and every second." I explained. "What?" She shook her head in disbelief.

"When did you got in Italy?" She asked. "Just in june." She smiled. "What date?"

"23rd." He respond. "I was also in Italy for holiday and went to the same Church on the same day." Lucille said. "It was probably you. The girl I saw wearing a blue and white dress."

They talked about that day as they're celebrating Lucille's birthday. They visited a lot of tourist attraction in Italy together.

"Where do you plan to have a dinner?" She replied, "I dont know yet."

We walked around the streets of Brera and there were restaurants left and right.

"Pasta d'Autore. You wanna go? Its late already ." It was past ten-thirty at night.

They get a table for two and pistacchio burrata pizza.

"So, hows life?" Lucille cuts the awkward air. "I've been painting and auctioning every six months. How about you?"

"When the lady bought my  painting of you. It was a bit hard for me to let go of that because it was my memory of you." Lucian started.

"Why is it hard for you to let it go? I mean, it probably cost you time. But I am a nobody, Lucian."

"Because as a painter I believe that in order to show your love is to paint them as painting holds the beauty of something or someone. Also the memory and feeling when you did the painting." After he said that a deafening silence enveloped them.

The waiter came just in time and brought their order. Lucian served it to Lucille and they eat in silence.

"I have something to ask but I don't want to come of as weirdo." Lucian stated nervously.

"Do you believe in fate or destiny?"

Lucille nods in response. "I think so. It leads you to people that are meant to be in your life. Like a red string."

"Sometimes it gets a knot and hard to move forward, or the time and place drifts you apart but it always be connected."

"Like you to me," Lucian brought out a cake with a number 20 candle. "Happy Birthday."

Lucille remembered it was september 2 then she closed her eyes and wish. Lucian waited and admire her as she tells her wish. When she opens her eyes and blow the candles it was almost midnight.

They had a countdown. 30. 29. 28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11.











She waited to change the zero candle to one for Lucian and light it up. It was already the 3rd of September.

"Alles Gute zum 25. Wünsch dir ‘was!" (Happy 26st Birthday. Make a wish!)

"Dich als Freundin zu haben, ist das beste Geschenk. Ich wünsche mir, dass die unsichtbare Schnur dich für immer an mich bindet."

"What was that. It sounded so long." She laughs at him. "Phone."

Lucille handed her phone. And he speaks to her phone.""Dich als Freundin zu haben, ist das beste Geschenk. Ich wünsche mir, dass die unsichtbare Schnur dich für immer an mich bindet."

The translator translated it and lucille reads it. "having you as a girlfriend is the best gift.I wish that the invisible string will bind you to me forever."

Lucian showed his gift to Lucille. It was the watch he got from Richard Mille. He take her hand and puts in the watch while explaining it to her.

"Whenever you are missing the other half, just remember that every minute and every second the other person is waiting for you. It was a belief and I firmly believe that. I wanted you to know that the first time I have met you my life completely changes. Ich Liebe Dich."

Lucille took the other watch and put it in Lucian's wrist. "To more birthdays together. Cheers!"

The clashing sound of steamed beer glasses. Lucian and Lucille bottoms up both of their beer and  laughs together.

Lucian brings his chair and move it next to Lucille. "Did you know that both of our name means light?" Lucille asked in which Lucian nods.

"I mean, our name means light, our birthday is literally next to each other so does our birth year. Maybe, Just maybe we were meant for each other  plus it was like we were both hiding in plain sight. That time in Chapel as well."

Lucian's friend asked if he could paint their son as the last time Lucille was unable to do the maternal shoot.

It was Andrea the bride from the first wedding. Lucian approached Lucille about it and she was fine with it.

"Danke, Ich Liebe Dich." And kissed her.

It was past twelve when Lucian took Lucille to the hotel where she was staying. "Thank you, Good Night." Lucille bids her farewell.

he nodded before answering "I'll see you tomorrow, Good night."

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