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It was wednesday evening, and lucille just got back from her trip to lucerne.

A message from the bride caught her attention. "Hello, do you have some free time today?"

She thinks that the photos must be needed already and she edited it right away.

She fixed the exposure of the photos and compiled it in a file before putting it in the flashdrive.

On her way to their meeting place. "Lucille, hello." A man said that made her turn.

It was Lucian.

She took her phone and said something to it. "Good morning. I've heard that there was a problem with your painting. I bought a flash drive where the pictures I took are compiled"

He takes the flashdrive and inserted it in his laptop. They both look at the photos taken by lucille.

After a few minutes of looking through the photos the picture that correlates the painting shows up at the screen.

Lucian was so happy. "Warte dort! Ich habe das Gemälde dabei. Ich bin gleich wieder da."(wait there! I got the painting with me. I will be right back.)


I was so happy that she captures the scene that I was trying to paint that day.

I hurriedly took the materials from the car. I run back to her.

"You're back." She said on the phone. "Du bist zurück." I smiled and sat next to her and laid down the paintbrushes.

I started to re paint the parts that was ruined. I tried to focus on it but lucille seems to be bored by watching me paint.

I sigh and asked,"bist du gelangweilt?"

She turned her head to me and hands me her phone. I repeated what I said and wait like her. "Are you bored?" Her head tosses signifying a no.

I continued painting as she takes pictures of herself and the scenery around us.

After I finished the painting I asked her where she plans to go.

"Chapel Bridge, You?" I smiled and took my phone out.

I speak and waited, "Als Zeichen der Wertschätzung werde ich Sie herumführen und zur Kapellbrücke bringen" we waited again,"As a token of appreciation, I will tour you around and bring you to the chapel bridge."

Her eyes lit up and smiled at me. I drove my car to the chapel bridge."

"wo möchtest du essen?" I asked while were driving.(where do you want to eat?)

"was schlagen Sie vor?"(what do you suggest?") The translator answered later on.

As we reach Chapel bridge I saw how mesmerize her face was. It was like those in romantic tv series.

She walked slowly and captured her back and the rest of the chapel from my phone.

I quickly turn my phone in a direction were we walk at. "Take. Pictures, please." She handed me her phone so I took some shots of her.

Some where facing the chapel, some where she was showing the chapel, and one where she gets near the chapel.

I gave back the phone. "Lucius," she caught my attention and when I faced her she was saying something to her phone.

"Wussten Sie, dass Sie sich etwas wünschen können, wenn Sie zum ersten Mal in einer Kirche sind, und dass dieser Wunsch in Erfüllung geht?"(Did you know that when you enter a church for the first time, you can make a wish and have that wish granted?) He stared at her and shake his head.

They both went silent and say a prayer and a wish.

After a few moment. They left the church and went to have a dinner.

"Anton's Restaurant." She reads the signage outside as the engine slowly dies. She take a photo of the front place and get out of the car.

They went inside and a man approach them but lucian was the one to talk with the guy.

He guided them to a dinner for two set-up. Lucian decided their food."Surf and Turf entrecôte" He told the waiter.

A little later they served our food and we also got Riesling a wine usually serve with the food.

We eat and the awkward silence started to grew so I have to break it. "Dieses Essen wird normalerweise mit diesem Getränk kombiniert. Deshalb habe ich das für uns besorgt" her phone translated it."This food is usually paired with this drink. So I got that for us."

After our dinner we head back to the hotel where lucille stays.

"Hey, Lucille" Lucian called for her attention. "Nikon D3500 is great for photo." The translator said which made her smile.

"Wohin gehst du danach?" He asked. The translation comes up next, "After this, where are you going to go?"

"Home. I will go back home and finish the remaining works that i needed to do." She replied, "Heim. Ich werde nach Hause gehen und die restlichen Arbeiten erledigen, die ich erledigen musste."

The answer made him nod. "Wir sollten Nummern oder soziale Konten austauschen, um in Kontakt zu bleiben" the phone translated what he said, "We should exchange numbers or social accounts to keep in touch."

She just nod thinking it would be impossible for them to work again.

It wasn't bad as she thought it would be, she actually gained a friend.

The payment that the bride gave her, she send it to Lucian for touring her around.

She busily said something to her phone and gave it to Lucian. 'Danke' it says which made lucian smile.
But since she doesnt want to come off rude she gave lucian her social media account and email.

"Lucille Photography" she replied.

A little later some notification sound buzz through her phone.

Lucille shrug it off and continues to take picture in the place.

Lucian scrolled on his instagram waiting for Lucille to accept his follow request.

That afternoon she plans to go to her last stop before she left switzerland tomorrow. Which are Grindelwald and Jungfraujoch.

She rode a train going to Grindelwald. "You can do this, Lucille." She said to herself.
While waiting for the train to arrive. Lucille checks her phone and saw the likes on the pictures she took.

She visited the account but it was on private, but it doesnt follow her.

They say that you paint the person you love and it will last forever.

I sat on my chair in front of the canvas.

I toned the canvas with pigment of burnt sienna for the base. I pick up the white color to put in the lighter areas of my painting.

I started to paint with natural colors for the location and slowly sketch with paint.

With light and dark undertones, to proportion and perspective. Then I slowly add the portrait from my phone and more details, step by step.

More brushstrokes and acrylic paint. I wash off the remaining paint on the brush and take a new color on the palette.

More rinsing of the brush in between, after I finished the painting I waited for it to fully dry before putting a varnish.I place the painting in my room.

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