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It was my birthday, the 2nd of September. I planned to travel to switzerland for a long time, but only got my time now to experience live painting some portrait and landscape painting.

I was trying to capture a beautiful scenery in bern. It was the old town that was breathtaking, I am with the group of visitor.

"excuse me? can you tell me where can i see this?" A man turned his head and furrowed his eyebrow "this?" I point to the picture of the Alps of Switzerland.

"Matterhorn?Hast du vor zu klettern?" He asked. Lucille then put her phone near his mouth and he gets what she was trying to do.

He repeats what he said and waited for it to be translated."Matterhorn? Are you planning to climb?"

She then shook her head and show him pictures that she took. "I take photos." Then she realize that he wont understand and uses the translator again.

"Ich mache Fotos." He nod to the translation.

"How can I go to see the matterhorn?" She translated it again to ask and he listens.

"Wie kann ich mir das Matterhorn ansehen?"


"Ich werde auch dorthin gehen, um Live-Malerei für eine Hochzeit zu machen. Möchtest du mit mir gehen?" The app translated, "I will also go there to do live painting for a wedding. Would you like to go with me?"

The went to the train station going to Zermatt.

"Interlaken Ost" Lucille reads the station name and took a photo of it.

"What is your name?" She puts it in and give the phone to the guy. "wie heissen Sie?"

"Lucian.Und du? wie heissen Sie?" (And you? What is your name?"

"Mein name lucille."( my name is lucille)

"Woher kommst du, Lucille?"

"Where are you from, lucille?"


He nods and the silence covered the entire trip to zermatt.

Lucille busied herself planning her itenerary in switzerland.

"Wie alt bist du?" He said.

She looks up to him and stop typing in her laptop.

He repeat it in his phone that translated it to her, "how old are you?"

She typed 19 and face the laptop to him, he types in his age 20 and gave her back the laptop.

"Wann ist dein Geburtstag? verstehst du Französisch?"

The translator took a little time. "When is your birthday? do you understand French?"

"Ich verstehe Französisch, da es meine zweite Sprache war. Ich wurde am 2. September 2001 geboren" they both waited for the translation. "I understand french since it's my second language. I was born on september 2nd of 2001."

"lustig zu denken. Ich wurde am 3. September 2000 geboren." He smiled so big at her as she waits for it to be translated again. "Funny to think. I was born on September 3 2000."

The trip was finally over. They stood up and wait until most passengers are off and they did the same.

They get a day ticket to see the Matterhorn glacier. As they walk to do trekking for the viewing platform the unparalleled 360°.

Lucian stops at the middle to admire and paint a little of the scenery in front of them. Lucille takes photo of it. "Can I take a photo of your painting?" She translated it from her phone. "Kann ich ein Foto von deinem Gemälde machen?" Lucian agreed and let her took photos.

The trek again and Lucian saw the venue of the wedding and remembered what he should do.

They arrived at the place where the wedding will happen. Lucian sat on the corner where the painting material and the canvas is.

The bride and groom entered the place as lucille took their photos. Some of the family members surround the couple as they plant a pine tree symbolizing fertility.

Lucille took photos of the groom and bride while they were planting the pine tree as they smile to each other. On the other hand Lucian started to tone the canvas with burnt sienna.

Little by little he started to add light colors to sketch the painting. Lucille captures more photos of the bride and groom to give some Ideas to Lucian.

When everyone started to party Lucille and Lucian stayed on the side as they clean up their masterpiece on their own.

The bride's parents saw Lucian adding more details to the painting and praise his work.

"Du und deine Freundin haben einen tollen Job gemacht!"(You and your girlfriend did a great job!)
The brides father said.

Lucian laughs at the statement and thanked him. Later on, the groom and bride saw the painting and photos taken.

"Merci beaucoup" (Thank you verh much) the bride told lucille and she shyly smiled. "Lucian ne nous a pas dit qu'il avait unev super petite amie photographe. vous étiez un match fait au paradis!"(Lucian didn't tell us he had a great photographer girlfriend. you were a match made in heaven!)

Lucille shook her head as Lucian was translating it to her making both of them laugh.

Lucian showed up next to them and looking at the painting he had made. "hat es Ihnen gefallen?"(did you like it?) He asked.

The bride and groom couldn't contain their happiness. The groom thanked lucian by shaking his hand.

After the wedding lucian and lucille proceed to go to matterhorn. Lucian drove the car all the way to matterhorn. "Also, wohin planen Sie danach zu reisen?" it was later translated. "So, after this where do you plan to visit?"

"Ah, Lucerne then grindelwald. You know, those photos you see on the internet whenever you look for switzerland." She replied.

"I see... only scenery and wedding pics are your target? By the way, do you have any recommendation for a camera?"

"Just scenery, I only did that wedding because theyre my friends."

The wedding ended and lucille sends her email to the couple for the updates regarding the photos taken earlier at the wedding.

"I'll send it once I edited and finalize it." She said.

The bride nods and smile at her, "I saw somw picture you took, I cant wait for all the photos. Thank you, we will send you the payment tonight. You deserve it, please."

"Hey, lets go?" Lucian asked and lucille nods in approval. They left the venue and lucian drove to a hotel in the area.

"This is your hotel." He stops the car infront and look at the rearview mirror seeing lucille in awe at the hotel.

She open the car door and entered the hotel. "Guete Abig," the guard greeted her. "Good evening as well."

Lucian watched as she talks with the front desk in the hotel.

But when he was about to leave he receive a call from his co-painter. "Lucian,Das Gemälde, das Sie heute gemacht haben, hatte einen kleinen unfall."(The painting you made today had a little accident.)

"was ist passiert?"(what happened?) He nervously asked.

"It caught sunlight exposure she said if you could remake it again?" The man on the phone asked.

Devastated to what he heard lucian accepted his fate. "On thursday, I'll come to your house and fix it."

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