Formal Parley

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Some may say a two day wait wasn't all that long, but for Leki and Tamura every moment they waited for a reply from Gemeng and Hong Bu meant that they had less time they were looking for where the cult was hiding. Gemeng's reply had come quickly, within hours in fact. Hong Bu however had seemed to take his time replying, a full day had come and gone before he responded. Both Tamura and Meng had seemed rather hopeful when they had learned that Hong Bu had agreed to come.

The only upside to all of the thumb twiddling had been that she had at least a little more time to instruct Tamura in the ways of airbending, to keep her promise to Abbot Gelphel as well at least take both of their minds off of what they had just been through if even for a few moments.  She figured after this morning the two wouldn't have much free time for extensive lessons if they had time at all so she had made the waiting count. After getting over his handicap he had made great strides in the art.

As Leki stood in what seemed to be a sitting room of sorts in the Beifong manor and watched as Tamura was the one pacing back and forth now she couldn't help but feel slightly amused at how the tables had turned. "You do that much longer You are going to cut a groove into the floor." Leki said, mirroring Tamura's own words back at him.

He stopped suddenly, fixing his gaze on her. "Very funny arrow." He said with a roll of the eyes.

"All I'm saying is that the Tamura I have come to know doesn't let himself get so jittery." Leki replied with a shrug. "What happened to needing to look like you knew what you were doing even when you don't?"

Tamura shook his head. "Remember what I said about waiting being the hardest part. That doesn't just pertain to battle, I'm sure once we are all in a room I will be calm as a sea least I think I will."

Leki stepped towards him, gently taking his hands in hers. "Hold your breath." She instructed.

"Why?" He asked.

She smiled. "Believe it or not when I was a little girl sometimes I would get...over excited."

"I can believe it." Tamura laughed.

Leki frowned, but only momentarily. "Anyways...Yengi taught me a meditation technique that helps when I'm  nervous. Hold your breath then count to ten. After that you do it as many times as you need until you feel in control again."

She felt his grip tighten ever so slightly on her hands, his thumbs brushing the backs of her hands as she watched him inhale deeply. As he did so she took it upon herself to do the ten count for him and right on the dot he exhaled. He did this twice over before visually relaxing. "Feel better?" She asked.

"I do." Tamura then leaned in, pressing his forehead to her's. It was a strange sort of feeling but it was yet another one of those feelings that she enjoyed. "I'm glad I met you arrow."

"Are you going to start calling me arrow now?" She asked, mock offense in her voice. In truth she didn't mind, she actually found it...rather cute.

"I think it fits you." He said.

"You picked some really low hanging fruit when it came to picking a nickname for me...seeing as your inspiration came from my tattoos. But I will allow it."

"If you give me enough time I might be able to come up with a better one." He said, his tone suddenly turning sultry. He letting go of her right hand and placing it to her cheek, tilting his head ever so slightly as he leaned towards her. But just before their lips could touch. Leki stepped away.

"We will have plenty of time to do that...after we stop the cult." Leki said, even though everything inside her was practically screaming at her for not kissing him. "You need a clear head for today."

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